ok i had this problem and i even brought it to skuzzys attn for a perk rembursment but nooooooooooooo hehe. i wasnt really expecting to get my perks back but kinda sorta frustrating after losing many jets and tigers. ok on to the possible fix.
if you are using an nvidia card with driver version 66.** installed this may be your problem. i had no problems until i installed these drivers and started playing AH2 again.
simply install an older version of nvidia drivers. im using 61.76 and have not had any problems since. i am even happy to report better framerates. i max out at 100 fps with 66.** drivers and with older drivers im getting same max but the FPS are holding closer to 90 - 100 as to where before there would travel from 60 - 100.
my card is an nvidia gforce fx 5500 256 meg ddr 270 400
please let me know if this help you.