Give the info - folks can make thier choices

In any flight sim I've played that had the P-38, they never sounded as good as the sounds you just put out. They sounded so good that I found myself taking some hops just to hear the engine purr. - AKAK on the p38 sound in Wafflesounds 3.2
Great update Waffle, Love the new Tiffy engine. Old one was a bit boring. This new one rocks...Thanks for all your efforts. - SFCHONDO
Supoib (superb for those of you who don't watch the Three Stooges)! Love the engine sounds, man. Hell, I love pretty much all of them! - FRUDA
Critical Fixes: Found some files that were sampled at higher rates and bit depths, Which were capable of creating small lags or pauses when the file was played. These includes some stall sounds as well as some wind noises.
Also simplified the files some. This resulted in getting the soundpack under 200MB unzipped.
NOTE: This version will be going back to being used with sounds levels set at default. The best way to accomplish this -
is after installing the soundpack, open you AcesHigh II/Settings folder and delete the "sounds.cfg" file. This will reset all levels to 80. I will post a few tweaks on the website, but when you get in game, would reccommed setting EXTERNAL PLANE
ENGINE sound to 100.
Fixes and Changes in WAFFLESOUNDS 3.2:
New stereo Effects: Warnings and check 6's are now in stereo as well as some damage effects.
All country specific check6s have been removed. (there is a folder labeled "zSixcalls" which contains various check6s.
You can insert these into different planes folders as you see fit. You will have to change the name from the description to
There are now 3 warnings available to choose from. Just have to rename them to warning.wav instead of warning(1).wav
Shortened and reedited some of the explosion sounds, and added a new one for GVs.
Added a "zBomberExplosions" folder which contains explosion files to be inserted into heavy bombers if you do a lot of level bombing.
These files are the low thundering explosions you would hear from a distance. (reccomended insertion into b17,b24,b26,ki67,ju88. lanc folder)
There's also a "zDamagesounds" folder if you would like to change some of the damage sounds. The pack comes with these already inserted
into some of the different plane folders.
ALL PLANES have been modified in some way or form. Flaps should be easier to hear. All engine sounds were normalized.
New wind file for all planes. More authentic based on the recordings heard than previous soundpack versions.
Here are some of the highlights:
New hit sounds for fighters and bombers. Bomber hits are not going to be as "defined" as smaller fighter hit sounds.
Increased some of the air disruption in the stalls for all ge planes and some us planes
Tempest / Typhoon - new engine start sequence as well as new engine sound
109G6 / 109 G2 / 109 G10 - Authentic new engine start/shutdown sequences, as well as new authentic engine sounds (sampled from Black 6, with db605 from Duxford England). New flaps as per operational sound from Black 6
Edited gear and slats for level/tone as well.
109E4 /F4 - New engine sounds as wells as changes listed above for the other 109s.
C202/205 new engines as per 109s new engines.
Me163: increased pitch of rocket/engine..edited flaps.
Me262: edited start/shutdown sequence, New engine sounds. New flaps sound as well as edited gear sound.
FW190s - New start sounds for all the 190s. Adjusted guns as wells as flaps/gears for volume
Adjusted all engine sounds for some more prop noise as well as higher RPM
JU88 - new engine sounds and start shutdown, flaps, gears adjusted
Ju87 - new start/shutdown - engine sound reedited for rpm.
P38 - New engine sounds and start/shutdown sequence. Edited Gears/Flaps. Tailored bomb drops and Rockets sounds. (sound samples from Lefty Gardners p38)
P51d - New engine sounds and start sequence. New flaps. (sound samples from Bob Love's p51d)
P51B - new operational sounds, engine
P40 series - new engine sounds
Yaks - reworked new engine sounds
La5/la7s - reworked flap sounds to include hydrualic motor, new start sounds.
B17s and B24s have new engine sounds and start sequences.
SBD/TBM engine edited for more RPM
Fm2/f4f have recieved new engine sounds...
Tons more flaps.gear adjustmenst with eq'ing, ect..prob more engines sounds - just can't
ALL Heavy AFV have had their sounds reduced in volume abit to fit in with the "virtual world"
T34 - new tank gun sound.
Explosions sortened edited for GV series.
Edited and some new hit sounds for Heavy AFV
ALL gun sounds have been edited to fit in with the "feel" of being in cockpit. Naturally nose mounted armament will be slighly duller
and softer in volume than wing mounted armament.
Rocket sounds have been redited and lowered in volume a bit. Added a slight phasing to help with doppler and sound dispacement as they travel through air.
Added little more low end punch to the British cannons.
Adjusted levels for player manned rear aircraft guns as compared to wing / nose mounted arms. Louder, since "your" firing and aiming the gun.
All Gun sound rate of fire are still based on the following settings:
Browning M2 .50cal - based on 850 RPM
Hispano 20 MM (p38l/f4u1c) based on 600 RPM
Browning .303s - Based on 1200 RPM
Hispano 20Mm Mk2 - based on 600 RPM
Vicker "S" 40mm - based on 120 RPM
Hispano Mk 5 20 mm - based on 750 RPM
Mg17 7.62mm - based on 1200 RPM
MG/FF 20mm - based on 530 RPM
Mg151/20 20 mm - based on 700 RPM
Mk108 30 MM - based on 650 RPM
MG 131 / 13mm based on 900 RPM
MG81 7.92mm based on 1600 RPM
7.7mm Breda - safat - based on 900 RPM
12.7 Breda-safat - Based on 700 RPM
(205 uses MG 151/20) as cannon
TYPE 99 Mk1 20 mm - based on 520 RPM
Type 97 7.7 mm - based on 900 RPM
Type 99 Mk2 20mm - based on 490 RPM
HO 103 12.7mm - based on 900 RPM
Type 92 7.7mm - based on 600 RPM
HO-5 20mm - based on 840 RPM
ShKAS 7.62mm - based on 1800 RPM
VYa 23mm - based on 540 RPM
UBS/T 12.7mm - based on 800 RPM
ShVAK 20mm - based on 800 RPM
Berezin B-20 20mm - based on 88 RPM
NS-37 37mm - based on 240 RPM
Link below - be sure to check out the gunsights and skins.
It's an easy install, you just need to download the complete pack v3.2 if you want. If not, you can download the "basesounds" then add individual folders as you like. Would recommend the complete pack. You then have to download the patch for the hurricane2d gun (Aircraft sounds / British / Hurri2d folder on website)
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