New squad you love to "bring it" as in troops supplies etc? Or are you just tired of flying twenty minutes to the fight and getting your rear handed to you in the first thirty seconds, either because like me you are old and slow, or you just haven't mastered ACM? Then perhaps you might be interested in joining up with ===Air Margaritaville=== . No uniforms rules..we just haul the mail, the troops, the supplies, and occasionally the bombs, and plan to have fun doing it. All that is required is a "license to chill" and a loose attitude. If and when they are provided we will be the first squadron to hop into seaplanes.......until then the ride of choice will be the beautiful C47 goony bird. First one to sign up gets to be Exec. After that we might need a morale guy, tequila that's the same thing huh? Any way pick your title grab your shorts, T shirts and flip flops and come along......No website........leave a message here or email me and we will get our lattitude and our attitude adjusted and have some fun.
Stonee (just an old pirate)
CO (sorta)
=Air Margaritaville=