exellent post lye-El.
this is exactly my point.
no one started playing this game as an ace. we all got our butt kicked, but we moved on, we didnt gave up, and went for GVs or manned acks, and we learned.
now days i see alot of new guys doing exactly what you describe, they cant hendle it, so they give up on trying to learn, thinking "wow i could never beat this guy" and the settle for flying with the horde and using field guns to get their kills.
well, i have no right to criticize you, but i found this phenomenon (which is becoming more and more common unfortunatly) well just frustrating.
i cant order or demnand you to stop playing the way you do, i can only offer my help. teaching you.
its fairly simple actualy, all you need is a will to learn, there are alot of vets out there that would love to help out newbies, all you need is too ask.
visit the training arena, ask on channel 200, post on the training forum, email AH trainers ( a bunch of great guys who help out new guys on their free time)
dedalos advise is one of the best ways to learn, find people that want the same thing as you and just hang around with them, learn the trade.
dont be ashamed to ask for help or dumb questions (ignore the alt F4 tards
) and never ever give up.
you will be amazed how fast you climb the learning curve.
i started working with a bunch of new guys acouple of weeks ago, they are playing this game for barely 2 months and are allready landing multiple kill sorties.
so to sum things up, there are alot of great guys willing to help out new guys who want to learn ACMs, its up to the newbie himself to decide if he will take the challenge of learning the trade of air to air fighting, or choose the "easy" way, who demand much less skill, killing buildings, fighting inside a horde, or using manned ack\ GVs to get kills.