Squad list so far:
Creamo as CO Left sobbing on the air strip, repeating "Why, Why"
Straffo ...........Upped from the farthest wrong airfield.
Heiliger ..........Trying to up in a Panzer.
Charon ...........Giving Heiliger a push...panting profusely.
Nuke ..............Last seen with pants around ankles chasing sheep.
Patrone ..........In hanger just talking tard chit.
Saintaw ..........Fishing from a PT Boat.
tronski ............Known as the Master Baiter on Saintaw's PT Boat.
Rescke ( email me ) ............still waiting for email.
Gtora2 .............................
...wondering how he got pulled into this.
Lazerus............The only one to sucessfully up in a Goon.
SaburoS .........In a field gun just shooting the crap outta anything.
Tronski ...........Ducking stray rounds on the air field.
Gunsliger ( after he gets tax money) .....Received Audit IRS.