Sure thing... in fact it works well for all heavy bombers. But never use auto-takeoff.
First, when you spawn on the runway, take the elevator trim out of "full up" mode and center it. When it's full up, it actually seems to create a lot of drag, making you accelerate slower.
Second, start engines at fully low throttle until they're at idle. Then, stand on the brakes as your engines spool up to full... it's no use rolling at only partial power.
Third, let your speed get up to at least 100 kts before lighting up the RATO. Also remember, lift creates drag, so don't create lift/drag until you're up to takeoff speed.
Fourth, use all the runway you can. Pull up gently when you run out of runway, and get your gear up ASAP. In fact, do everything gently when it comes to flying bombers.
Works for me every time... I hope it helps.
Warning: unless you can get your drones to land, you will lose MANY perks... even if you have no damage.
ps. thanks for the bombsite tip, Mugzee!