Author Topic: Failed patch installation  (Read 2503 times)

Offline Pyro

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Failed patch installation
« on: January 29, 2005, 08:48:47 PM »
We received reports of failed update installations when trying to update from 2.01 Patch 6 to 2.02 Patch 1.  A new update file has been uploaded that corrects the problem people were encountering.  

If you have already downloaded the file AH2016T2021.EXE and encountered the problem, here is a quick way to get the installation working without having to redownload the entire update.

1-  Right click the following link and select "Save Target As" and navigate the "Save as" window to your "Program Files\HTC\ Aces High II\sounds" folder (or the folder you installed AH2 in if you did not use the default path) and save the file to there.  Make sure not to change the name of the file.

2-  Relaunch the AH2016T2021.EXE file that you had already downloaded.  The installation should now go through without a failure.

I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this problem may have caused you.  Please post us a message if you still continue to have problems.