Author Topic: Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it  (Read 889 times)

Offline Sparks

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« on: October 05, 2000, 03:49:00 AM »
I am trying to learn to use the Typhoon but struggling. Takeoff is sorted since 1.04 so at least I can get it off the ground  .
1. Energy retention - It seems to take forever for the tiffie to build up a head of steam and even then to me it doesn't seem very fast (not checked but just over 300 IAS auto level). If I then try to go vertical - loop or Immelman - it bleeds speed like a Lancaster. In no time it seems to be around 160 and then it's like flying a rice pudding.

2. Turn radius - don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't seem to turn with even P51's. It either bleeds e to a standstill or if I keep the speed up it accelerated stalls and drops a wing.

How do all you tiffie experts do it??

Offline Lephturn

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2000, 06:32:00 AM »
Well, I bagged a few bad guys with the Typhoon last night, so I'll see if I can give you some hints.

First, this is primarily a good ground-attack plane.  It's not a great dogfighting plane, although you can use it as  one if you are careful and skillful.    If you are doing air-to-air fighting with the Typhoon, you want to use it as a BnZ platform.  It has very powerful guns and is very fast down low, so it's a great choice in this role.  Don't try to turnfight other planes if you want to live.    Sneak up on 'em from low and behind and give 'em a blast of 4x20mm.  If you get into a knife fight, use the verticle as much as possible.  After a maximum of a couple of turns, you will need to plan on exiting the fight if the other guy is still alive.  Use a 0G unloaded dive and hit the WEP to accellerate away and run to safety.  If you get cornered, take a front aspect shot, since your 4x20mm will give you a good chance to win a head-on shooting match.

With WEP at low altitude the Typhie really hauls butt.  I never really looked at the speedo last night, but I ran down a 109 and a Yak easily enough.    Remember that the Typhie really only performs well at lower altitudes, so be sure to stay below 15k.

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs

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Offline humble

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2000, 12:10:00 PM »
I'll add a couple things to what lephturn posted. The tiffie is a vertical plane, you cant hope to survive with any consistancy if you flat turn it (even once). Always use vertical obliques...hi to low yoyo moves instead. Go for snap shots vs tracking shots, you pull less G's and min E bleed. Ideally you can set up a front aspect snap shot off a hi yoyo against a better t&b plane who's trying to go pure T&B against you.

Instead of pushing hard to get that one good tracking view...just missing...and falling in to a turning battle you cant win...go for snap shot you have point nose down and behind'll make con go 270 or so degree to follow...he will too. The tiffie picks up speed pretty quick in a dive so you can either run or use a mid fight rope.

If you cruise at 20k and use vertical game you can pull lot of folks down to 10k or so where tiffie starts to shine. Drag em down take em a couple times...never chase em around, make em chase you up after extension.

Once you get down to 7500 ft your fast as anything in game I believe. At 5k point the nose to friendlys and scoot. Biggest problem for me in Tiffie is the Custer syndrome. Bout 45 sec after you engage in your cat and mouse you look around and go "where all those F@#%ing indians come from".

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Offline Sparks

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2000, 04:52:00 AM »
Thanks for the info guys - you seem to bear out my problems with e-bleeding in turns. I'll try to keepit in the vertical and see what happens. I am doing better and ground attack now.


Offline humble

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2000, 05:52:00 PM »
Tiffie is a turn to kill ride...dont turn unless you have good setup, never turn more than 90 degrees flat on deck, 180 at alt and 270 on a hi/low yoyo. Any time you make a full circle your misusing the plane (IMO). I'd start your lead turn earlier than usual...then unload earlier. Now you've removed the G load to shoot. You can lay some lead out in front to start and refine gunnery as you go. If con keeps turning to get nose around your nice and steady and should hammer him before he HO's you. Tiffie fires a pretty heavy load so you'll kill a lot on snap shots...also if con is whipping nose around you can bet he was slow to start or is off the gas. This is a great place for a fast tiffie to go to vertical lead turn.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson


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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2000, 04:53:00 PM »
I actually really like the Typhoon. I'm much better at getting out of trouble in it than in a Spitfire. Although it is one of the fastest planes down low, it does not accelerate quickly in a level or climbing situation. As a result, you really need to have some room for that unloaded 0G acceleration manuever to pay off for you. If you need to extend, start the manuever when you're fast or can dive else the bad guy will eat you up before you have a chance to put the Tiffie's high top end to good use.

Offline Wardog

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2000, 04:56:00 AM »
These might help a bit.. Show ya what a tiffy can do.

I posted the following on our Sqaud BB...


was a blast. Logged on last night and checked map for cons,i upped a19 to do a sweep at a18..
Squad channel

Wardog: greets all
Packrat: greets WD
jstamutt: cons at a20
Wardog: 1 con here then i otw a20
Wardog: con bailed at 4.5 otw a20 now
jstamutt: whats you alt?
Wardog: 17k otw

Expecting to hook up with Packrat & jstamutt i head to a20.

The film tells the rest of the story, 2 p51s against my Typhoon at alt, 1 hi 1 lower..  

And boy was i surprised

Ill also post another film against Magic and his Yak. Me in Typhoon.  

Last one is for Cit to look at, my Typhoon v Eaglers 109 low. I stalled tiffy at 200ft off deck trying to get lead shot. I recovered at 50ft off deck. Not sure the real thing woulda done that.  

Dog out........


Hope these help, view from inside cockpit then again in F4 view... Turns out the 2 p51s where my Squadies, didnt know till the 1st one went down


Offline Suave1

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2000, 02:19:00 PM »
Typhoon prior to 1.04 was kind of like a 262. It had two speeds very fast and stall. It took off at high speed and landed at high speed. The 1.04 is much friendlier as torque has been turned down it seems. It has always accellerated and zoomed well, now with 1.04 it turns better than fw or p51 below 15k . It's only draw back in the pork arena is range, would be nice if it gets drop tanks but there's been enough posts on that already. This is my favorite plane in AH, and it has always been very formidable in the right hands, now with 1.04 it is even more of the monster intercepter that it was in real life . I imagine a day in AH when we will see tempestV pitted against TA-152's in a scenario, a wet dream for dweebs like me   That will be the zenith of wwII flight sims .

Offline Sparks

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2000, 03:59:00 AM »
Again thanks for all the help guys - I'm working on it  

Offline Sparks

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2000, 04:32:00 AM »
Well - been doing some offline work and improved.
Wardog - watched the films - thanks very much they were useful.
Two things I've discovered:-
1. Stick scaling has a massive effect on how you percieve an aircraft flies - much more than I originally thought. I changed the scaling  as an off the wall idea in a direction I thought would be wrong and I actually fly it better. I actually made the stick more sensitive and as a result I'm being more cautious and flying smoother - guess I was "stiring too much before.

2. The tiffie needs a fair amount of nose down trim to keep it's speed up - any try to get rid of any tendency toward a nose up pitch with the speed at about 250mph and keep it at that.

Just first observations

Offline Wardog

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2000, 01:58:00 PM »

I get very little nose up at any speed, maybe top end 475 kias. Think this also has to do with Stick Scaling. My setup is so close to 100% on Pitch & Yaw and is 100% on roll that most may find it hard to fly.

For the most part Tiffy should be flown like the p51 till you get used to it. After some time in it,you will find that its quik stall rate will let you turn fight a Spit 1v1 for about 3 to 4 turns.. Use the stall and rudder to get the lead shot in the 1st 2 turns, at least try to get a few hits.

I had to spectacular fight 1v1 last night against Wolfs Spit. I shoulda filmed it but i used Tiffys stall rate to help in the turn fight.

Also, the film, youll notice i didnt get any kills but 2 assists on the p51s (My Squadies tryin to set me up). It was none the less a fantastic fight. from 20k, into the clouds & ending on the deck.

What i didnt know is that Packrat also filmed the fight, so i watched it from his perspective too. Man i love fights like that.If you want to see that fight from the p51s view,let me know & ill post the film.

Dog out....

Offline Lephturn

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2000, 06:34:00 AM »
Oooh, could you post both of those films Wardog?  That would ROCK.

If you need space, just send them to me and I'll slap them up on the net for you.

One of the Pigs is a big Tiffy nut and I'm sure he would love to have a look at those films.

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs

"My P-47 is a pretty good ship, she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip.
Just thinking 'bout my baby and lettin' her rip, always got me through so far."
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Offline flakbait

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2000, 01:59:00 PM »
I've got a pair of sounds you might like. They're not perfect, but do sound good in the Typhoon.

Typhoon engine and start sounds

Still need some work, which neither program I have will do well. You might have to increase the engine volume, as AH seems to cut it off for some reason.

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Offline Wardog

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Tiffie help - how to get the best out of it
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2000, 01:15:00 AM »

Ive emailed you links to film using the email address you have listed on the BB.

And thanks Flakbait, have downloaded the sounds and will try them out tonight..

Dog out..