Well after some testing with the plain evga 6800 , i have pulled it from the system and returned it . I had issues with image quality and anti aliasing performance . I did most of my testing offline and it worked great . online with other planes , was a different story. I had many split second frezzes and pretty poor fps with AA enabled . It is prolly due to the lower quality ram that the plain 6800's use. I have ordered a x 800 pro and ill let you all know the outcome of that . I installed the 6800 on this system AMD 64 3400+ @ 2.4 ghz, 512 CL 2 corsair ram, 430 antec true power, on its own power chain. Clean install of xp home .
Now i have reinstalled my 9800 pro for the time being, and with 2 or 4 times AA it out performs the 6800 in image quality and smooth game play . I cant say that this a scientific benchmarking of AH2 between these two card , i just wanted to let people with 9800pro's know that the plain 6800 (non GT non ultra) wasnt a good upgrade path for me. 38