Author Topic: Global Consciousness Project...  (Read 105 times)

Offline TweetyBird

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Global Consciousness Project...
« on: February 16, 2005, 09:56:09 PM »
Here's a link to an interesting story I've found on another board I frequent. I've pretty much dismissed it out of hand as it seems to rely on "patterns" - something that doesn't really exist outside of the the human mind.

But its a good read and a good place to argue that its impossible to extrapolate or even alter patterns as patterns don't really exist in the natural universe.

Also, at first I thought this may have been a put on so I googled
"Global Consciousness Project" and got a lot of hits. I know its for real, but I still don't buy it for the above reason. If the link I gave gets flakey, just google the the term and you'll find others.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2005, 10:06:10 PM by TweetyBird »