"If you jump it, you pack it". So f*ing tired of student whuffos who come in, make their Brag Jump(tm), ditch the gear and expect someone else (namely ME) to clear up their mess.
Can be transferred to general life. I'll lend just about anything to friends, but with expensive items, I expect them to come back to me as good as they were or better.
Same's true if I borrow something.
Gifts are gifts. They're not a form of checks that can be cashed in at a later point. Once given, they ain't mine anymore, and whatever is done with 'em by the receiver is none of my business.
If you do someone a favour and expect some kind of payment (be it gratitude or another form of compensation), you're not doing that dude a favour - you're making a business transaction.
Ice on the swoop pond is not an excuse for not giving someone his certificate/100jump/500jump/1000 jump/5000 jump swimming lesson. That's why we got axes. Or aviation fuel, if the pond is frozen through