Well Nilsen, My favorite Norsker...
If you are ever in the Arkansas neighborhood (and my guess is that if you are--that one of the other AH'ers got you drunk, and in your painful hangover got on the wrong bus or plane, cuz there's not much to see here but the glorified marble Triple-Wide trailer overhanging the Arkansas River called the Clinton Library...Cajun food so spicy that it starts to grow hair where you spill it...hamburgers the size of hubcaps...a few Civil War battlefields...the world headquarters of the redneck Mecca known as "Walmart"...and 3.5 Million people who never HEARD of "Drivers Education"....
C'Mon OVER! I'll buy ya your first Whattaburger!
(I can hear the waiter now...."Lutefisk??...Lutefisk?....whattheheeel is a LUTERFISK?.....You ain't from around here are ya, boy?)