Author Topic: marijuana  (Read 2992 times)

Offline Nash

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« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2005, 11:56:14 PM »
What separates an industry that provided you with what you wanted then and an industry that provides other people with what they want now?

Offline Martlet

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« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2005, 11:56:23 PM »
Originally posted by Eagler

you sound like a raider/bush thread

I have no say on it now huh?

or maybe I have even more say eh?

Nash never has an argument.  He just injects jabs and ad homs.

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« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2005, 12:03:44 AM »
Originally posted by Martlet
Nash never has an argument.  He just injects jabs and ad homs.

Ya know....

Yer just a goof, Martlet.

Whoah yer right. That was an ad hom.

Ya know....

Yer just a god, Martlet.

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2005, 02:42:52 AM »
Originally posted by RTR

(in a broader scope, this includes partial responsibilty for deaths of other human beings as a result of the demand to support your 20 minutes of "high" time).

I'm sorry, but the text I've highlighted shows that you have absolutely no personal experience, whatsoever with marijuana.

You are either:

A - A person who's never tried it; or

B- Were one of those people who took a few hits, said "wow I'm so high, man, I really feel it" while the "dealer" who just sold you oregano snickers in the background.
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Offline Manedew

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« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2005, 06:50:43 AM »
The effects are a joke compared acohol or tabacoo....... both have serious health problems ...

acohol kills brain cells! lots of them ....... and impairs you far beyond what cannibis is capable of......

Leaglize everything within reason.... look at the Dutch ... they are all potheads right? ::rollseyes::

Forstering a black market is about the stupidist thing a govement can do .. and thats what an illegal drug trade does helps with ..... makeing a huge florishing black market.   It would be funny if it wasn't so sad ....

Do you know how much money we waste on this BS ... HA! .....

Leaglize it, tax it, and there's a social security fix!  

it's effects are a amoung the most mild of any drug I've ever encountered.....

its addictive level is mild and is only mental; zero physical dependance (some potheads have sleep problems when they kick it [so do acoholics])

Only reason I can think of is that the govement wants a big florishing black market .......  that's the effect... ::shrugs::

It's called reality ..... some of these anti-drug people should get off thier opiate pain pills and check it out some time ......  or maybe just herbicide some more poppy fields and think they are doing a service.......

Offline RTR

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« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2005, 10:25:00 AM »
Heh, actually Vudak the "20 minutes" was just number plucked at random.

I was pretty heavy into pot when I was younger, in fact I was one of the guys you went to buy it from. I am pretty confident in my knowledge of what it does for you, as well as what it will not do for you.

But, like most, I figured out a long time ago that it wasn't such a geat thing.

What I said still stands. By supporting the industry an individual has to accept the fact that they are partially responsible for the deaths that happen because of it.

Bottom line is, it is an illegal drug. Go have a beer.

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Offline Charon

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« Reply #36 on: March 05, 2005, 10:46:35 AM »
What I said still stands. By supporting the industry an individual has to accept the fact that they are partially responsible for the deaths that happen because of it.

Bottom line is, it is an illegal drug. Go have a beer.

Then you support an industry, a legal one,  that has directly caused the death of three of my friends. Two ended up drinking themselves to death and one hit a tree DWI. By extension, you (and any other drinkers, myself included) are partially responsible for these and many other alcohol related deaths. We should be fighting tooth and nail to bring back prohabition.

The hyprocracy is what's the most irritating with this debate. Drugs are always bad, just not the ones I happen to do.

[edit: And your earlier argument, as has been touched on, does not address someone who would grow their own pot strictly for personal use. Or, the comparison between prohabition and the current war on drugs, and the lessons learned that eventually saw prohabition repealed as a bad, counterproductive and destructive law.]

« Last Edit: March 05, 2005, 10:54:37 AM by Charon »

Offline Martlet

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« Reply #37 on: March 05, 2005, 10:49:15 AM »
Originally posted by Charon
Then you support an industry, a legal one,  that has directly caused the death of three of my friends. Two ended up drinking themselves to death and one hit a tree DWI. By extension, you (and any other drinkers, myself included) are partially responsible for these and many other alcohol related deaths. We should be fighting tooth and nail to bring back prohabition.

The hyprocracy is what's the most irritating with this debate. Drugs are always bad, just not the ones I happen to do.


I didn't get that from his comment at all.

What I got was:

If you want to argue the legality of pot, and push to get it legalized, that's a legitimate discussion.

However, as it stands now, one is legal and the other isn't.   Any discussion comparing the dangers of each is a sidebar and irrelevant conversation.

Offline Charon

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« Reply #38 on: March 05, 2005, 10:50:36 AM »
Understand Martlet, added a new piece while you were posting.


Offline SLO

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« Reply #39 on: March 05, 2005, 11:14:40 AM »
don't like it, good...

more for me :D

you bible thumpers out there should give thx to the almighty for creating something as wonderful as weed...

Offline Martlet

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« Reply #40 on: March 05, 2005, 11:31:23 AM »
Originally posted by SLO
don't like it, good...

more for me :D

you bible thumpers out there should give thx to the almighty for creating something as wonderful as weed...

I do, and also thank Him for making liberals stupid enough to stay stoned all the time.

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« Reply #41 on: March 05, 2005, 12:37:11 PM »
Originally posted by Martlet
I do, and also thank Him for making liberals stupid enough to stay stoned all the time.


rather stoned then totally ignorant conservative...

Offline RTR

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« Reply #42 on: March 05, 2005, 12:40:02 PM »
Charon you misunderstand what I am saying here.

Alcohol is a different set of circumtances. It is a legal drug and what we don't have is people being hurt or killed as a direct result of trying to produce or sell it, because of a demand for it.

In truth I think that criminal acts carried out while under the influence of alcohol should be dealt with harshly as well. The difference is glaring between the two however.

Thanks Martlet, you put it better than I did.

As for the leglaization, or decriminalization of pot, that is a different debate all together.

By definition, we are not responsible for the death of other individuals because we drink. We procured the drug legally.
What we do while under the influence is what we are responsible for.

Lastly, I purposefully didn't touch on people growing pot for thier own use for the simple reason that at the present, it is illegal and a topic of a different discussion.

I am however willing to debate the pro's and con's of legalization or decriminalization.

(who knows?...maybe I will be able to get a better understanding of my oldest daughters position on this, or she mine)

« Last Edit: March 05, 2005, 12:42:57 PM by RTR »
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« Reply #43 on: March 05, 2005, 12:48:43 PM »
Originally posted by vorticon

"Roszko, who was found dead at the scene, was known to police and had a violent past. "


Looks like this may have happened at some point even without the pot or the people that use it.

If it wasnt this it could very well have been something else.

Like I said.
blame the shooter.
the pot or the customers didnt make the guy shoot at the cop any more then a video game makes a kid go out and steal cars.

the shooter decided to pull the trigger all on his own
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« Reply #44 on: March 05, 2005, 01:02:49 PM »
Originally posted by Martlet
Any discussion comparing the dangers of each is a sidebar and irrelevant conversation.
Forgive Martlet. He got splashed on during the last Witch Dunking. He's still a little cranky.
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