Author Topic: Idea for format of MOTD  (Read 655 times)

Offline 68Jabb

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Idea for format of MOTD
« on: March 05, 2005, 12:52:42 PM »
Hey all, I have a Idea that I think All CM's should try when the MOTD is posted to make it a lot easer to read without having to use the lower slider. some motd are long and others are short and sweet, but if we all keep each line only 58 chracter long this will take away the bottom slider thus making the motd alot eaiser to read. Acutally I can not take credit for this thought I barrowed it from 68Falcon but what do you think.
I,m not trying to create more work it just a whole lot easyer to read that away.
Again just a thought. :rolleyes:

68th Lightning Lancers
J A Brothers