Author Topic: party a154, OR, how i almost died laughing  (Read 316 times)

Offline WMLute

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party a154, OR, how i almost died laughing
« on: March 12, 2005, 02:18:33 AM »
was capin' a154 just now.  funniest time i've had in a long time.  Watched 2 diff people talk and talk and talk 'bout how they otw w/ buff formations to hit the town.  Squaddie had troops waiting.  One formation missed the town by a good 2k, while the 2nd missed the town, missed the field, and hit a nice patch of empty ground a good 3000' further on.  (both were no more than 1k above ground level.


THEN a guy (2 weeker) kept saying he was bringing troops (he talked 'bout it for his whole flight over on country channel).  He get's there (after being advised that not only did we already have troops landed near the town, SAID town was 1/2 up) and proceeds to drop troops over the field.  (must be former AW guy)

here's where it got cute.  There were a couple nme's up, and I got to watch 2 nme la7's THWAK into the ground trying to kill the troops that were floating over the field (thanks u2 for the proxy btw)

wish i'd filmed it.
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Offline JB88

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party a154, OR, how i almost died laughing
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2005, 08:09:07 AM »

this thread is doomed.  

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Offline DipStick

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party a154, OR, how i almost died laughing
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2005, 11:52:27 AM »
Sounds like some serious teamwork. ;)

Offline 68DevilM

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party a154, OR, how i almost died laughing
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2005, 01:10:50 PM »
:rofl :rofl