Author Topic: P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual  (Read 543 times)

Offline chad

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« on: September 17, 2001, 10:53:00 AM »
A couple of weeks ago after my 1000th kill in a spitfire V in HTH, I decided to try out another plane type, and I choose the Mustange, mostly beacuse It look like a good plane and was hard to fly, people said.

My First Ex in a P-51D I will never forget. Coming up to the enemy then FLIp!!!!!!!! Crap, Pull Up, Crap, flaps flaps, BOOOOOOOM. Gave the other player a WTG, and I tryed again.

Now after time went on, and i learnt how to use the Mustang Correctly, I have been abile to really do some damage to some spits and also Niks and also F4UC.

Some of my tatics include.

Lets say u are at 20K feet, like I am normal at. 109 HO, misses me by a single shot. AFter the HO, I do not look at were i am going, my head go straight into the Front panel to find my CLim and also Speed. All the times, I lower my Flaps to 25%, Keep a constaint turn and clime rate of 1.2 no -. After around 5 Passes in the dogfight, the 109 is now 1.2 Ft bellow me and is really trying to shot me down. Then All i do is wait for him to make a mistake, stall and I fly down and take my Piece of Cake.

Now what I found so funny, is today I went back to try out my long lost friend the spitfire. Hoped in, started the beast Up and left the Field. By the end of the 1st 20 MIN i had shot down 5-6 Enemy Aircraft. This really got me thinking, that all the skills I used in the Mustange had made me into one deadly Killing machine  :)

Also, I was wondering what your best Moments in the P-51D, because when I VUlch someone 5K bellow me, My Pulse rate goes up, my Sole is only centered on one thing. THEN COMES THE CRUCH, Have he seen me yet. NEXT thing BOOOOOOM hes goes up in smoke.


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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2001, 01:40:00 PM »
Like u i myself was a spitV fanatic.
Yep! that baby got me an average of 2 kills a flight.
Later i tried out the F4UC and the temp but didnt find them anything like the P51D.
Technically though it was SFOX who taught me how to kick butt with a P51D.
Well he was in a p51 and i was in a zeke ......
My best experience in the mustang was when i shot down a temp in a wheeling dogfight. I started off climbing with the temp at my 6. After about 4 VERTICAL loops ( throughout which I was only looking back) i saw him stalling and diving to recover.
BANG! I took a nice loop till inverted and then half a roll and full rudder down later
I had myself on the temp's 6. Then it was goodbye tempie......
Although the p51 (in Aces High) is well known for its climbing, I find it also an outstanding runner. I once won a fight with two NiKs in a p51b. I ran and they followed.
I ran straight to the nearest vehicle field and after six vertical u turns later, ack got one of them and i then took out the other.
  :(   :D   :D

Offline Urchin

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2001, 02:16:00 PM »
Whats a duel between two runstangs look like?  This-


Offline Dead Man Flying

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2001, 02:27:00 PM »
And here I thought going from the P-51D to the Spit V was an upgrade... not the other way around.   :)

-- Todd/DMF

Offline Blue Mako

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2001, 08:28:00 PM »
Let me help clear up a few misconceptions from this thread...

P51's are not and will never be turn fighters.  If you turn and your opponent is in anything other than another pony you are dead meat.

P51's are terrible at climbing.  You can use speed to zoom with them but they can be outclimbed by just about any plane in the game.

P51's are terrible at accelerating.  They are designed to be used at speeds above 250 mph indicated.  Try to stay at 300 or above because if you slow down it will take a lot of time or altitude to get the speed back.

P51's are fast but a FW190D-9, Typh/Temp or La7 will catch them in a level race, especially at low level.

The strengths of the pony are it's high altitude performance, good gun package, excellent maneuverability at high speed, good top speed and excellent endurance.  Use these to your advantage and the pony is a fearsome airplane.  For more info visit the 412th Braunco Mustangs web site  .

Hope this helps.

Offline chad

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2001, 08:14:00 AM »
One of the things that i did when moving onto another plane eg. the Mustange, was to read everthink and anythink I could on the aircraft and on the enemy Aircraft.

Yes, the Mustange was original Built for Bomber escort into Germany, and to protect the B17 against the Germans Aircaft at the time.

Also, i have and died getting into a turn fight with a spit or a 109. Now I leave my-self about 10k feet to play with, before attempting to attack the enemy. But Most of the time i find my-self getting into a Turn fiht, is when i just leave the field and start to clime to 25K feet. I normally Encounter the La-7, that is one of the hardest fighters I haft to get onto his Six. Other than getting in trouble when taking off, I get up too 25K feet and pic my nice little Zero of Spit to ZOOOM and BOOM on his Six.

Offline Lephturn

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2001, 10:57:00 AM »
One thing Blue Mako missed is that the Pony is one of the best energy fighters in the game.  As he mentioned, it does not climb or accellerate very well, but it retains energy very well in high speed maneuvering.

This means that you must keep your speed high, use the vertical, and use lag pursuit moves extensively to kill your opponents.  It does NOT mean you can only BnZ, that is not true.  You don't want to fight using horizontal sustained turns, that's true, but you can still "knife fight" in close without extending for quite a while if you start with an advantage and manage it properly.  The good thing about the Pony is that if you lose your energy advantage, you can often escape from your opponent.  It's great energy retention also means you will get more attacks before you lose your E advantage than you would flying most other planes.

Offline Blue Mako

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2001, 06:13:00 PM »
Yup, what Lephturn said  :D

Glad you pointed that out.

Offline chad

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2001, 11:48:00 PM »
Thanks For the Info on the lag pursuit.

Please Just stay with me, I had a little problem understanding the Lag Pursuit and also some other Info on the P-51D

There are mainly Three Purisuit.

Lead Pursuit: were your nose is pointed forward of your enemy

Pure Pursuit: were your nose is pointed at the Enemy

and Lag Pursuit, were your Nose is pointed behind the enemy.

I understand the Importantace of Holding E within a Vertical Turn and also other moves. But i dont really Understanding Using the Tatics of Lag Pursuit and also the Pure Pursuit on the enemy. Does these moves, tell u to stay behind the enemy well attempting to get him to use all his E in his turn, allowing u to take advantage of your E's that you have been saving up though the Engagement.

Offline Syzygyone

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2001, 11:24:00 AM »
My understanding of the use of lag pursuit is to make sure I don't bleed as much E as the target.  He is trying to gain angle and is burning more E if he is is a tighter turn, as he will be if you use lag pursuit.  (Is this understanding correct?)  If so, my question to Leph is this; When do I know and how do you determine that the target has bled enough E, and then, what maneuver do I use to get on his six or to get close enough for a decent defelction shot.  I have in my minds eye a lag pursuit with the target at my approximate 2 oclock, slightly high or level with my life vector or plane of flight roughly the same of his.  What do you do at that point.  My experience has been that if I wait too long, he eventually pings me.

Real curious this

 :rolleyes: "Duh, where did 'e go?"
 :eek: "Duh, how'd 'e get on my six?"

Offline Pei

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2001, 01:40:00 PM »
You can't stay in lag pursuit too long otherwise you are going to get out manuvered. You have to convert that to pure or lead pursuit for a shot or extend in preparation for another run at the target.

Offline Am0n

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P-51D Mustang Fighter Dual
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2001, 01:51:00 PM »
finishing a lag persuit

If some one begins to turn to tight for you to followed lagged, normally ill go for a high YO-YO and rudder down behind them.

you have to remeber with you turning loose you have much more energy than them. while they are pulling off to your 2 to 3 oclock, pull straight up check veiw and rudder/steer down in there direction. You will come down with much more speed and energy then they have and if for some reason you didnt land a direct 6 you can lag them and set up another shot at it.

You may already know this tactic, so i could just be "singing to the choir"
Hope this helps none the less