Author Topic: More on version 1.02  (Read 1078 times)

Offline Pyro

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More on version 1.02
« on: March 29, 2000, 01:56:00 PM »
Most of version 1.02 is complete but we still have a lot of details to finish.  We're shooting to have it out next week.

Here's a few more things that will be in 1.02.

The map zoom in/out feature can now be mapped to keyboard commands in addition to the current right mouse click on the + and - on the clipboard.

Squad highlight now shows squad members as orange dots on the friendly radar.

The club button now allows squad leaders to upload squad logos and set squad page URLs that updates the squadron info on our webpage.

The salvo command now defaults to 1 and your last settings are saved for each individual plane.

Fixed a sound bug and changed engine, wind, and stall sounds to be 2D sounds.

Switched to a different font and made icons smaller.

Map sector activity bars now scale correctly.

Fixed a bug with the radio that happens when a person who's tuned privately leaves the game.

Fixed the lockup that happens on disconnects.

Fixed a bug that was causing flaps not to increase lift as much as they should.

Fixed the non-sorting retracted tailwheel bug.

Fixed a bug that was causing gravity to be applied two-fold to bullets.

Country's strategic status is now available in-flight on the clipboard and not just in the map room.

Have made some minor plane performance adjustments to align the models with the performances given on our webpage.  Also added a link in the game to the plane performance webpages.

Fixed rotations on bomber turrets.

Making some damage value adjustments to some airplane components.

There's some other stuff as well, but that's the majority of it.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

No sniveling!