Author Topic: Design our first terrain  (Read 926 times)

Offline Pyro

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Design our first terrain
« on: August 16, 1999, 01:03:00 PM »
We've decided to see if the players are interested in building our first beta terrain.  We will give out the specs that we need and have players draw up maps to submit to us.  If we get a submission that we would like to use, we'll send that player our terrain editor and teach him how to use it.  He can then create the terrain he designed for use in the beta.


1- The terrain is designed around a 3 country setup.
2- Each country must be equal in terms of airfield numbers, layouts, distances, and elevations.  The terrain must not convey any advantages or disadvantages to one country over another.
3- The base distance between forward airfields should be 20-25 miles.  The overall diameter of the terrain should be between 150 and 250 miles.
4- The terrain is not a real geographical layout.  The intent for this terrain is to make it a lot of fun to fly in with mountains, canyons, plateaus, etc.
5- The total number of airfields should be between 15 and 27.
6- Airfields must be placed at any altitude but they must be on  level terrain.   You can put an airfield on top of a plateau but you can't put it on the side of a hill.
7- The interior of each country will have a city and multiple factories.  Airfield layout should take the defense of these structures into account.
8- Minimum terrain altitude is 0.  Altitudes below sea level cannot be used.

The reward for designing and creating our beta terrain will be:

1- Respect and adoration from everyone.
2- A big headstart on building any other terrains you want  to do.
3- The terrain can be named after you.
4- You can have your name in the credits.
5- We'll award you one year of free flying after AH begins online charging.

Submissions must be received by Monday, August 23.  The maps should depict rough terrain elevations and features such as mountains.  
Applicants will need a lot of free time over the next few weeks to complete the project.
Send your submissions to
Post any questions about this to the general forum.


Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

Offline Pyro

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Design our first terrain
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 1999, 05:13:00 PM »
This .jpg can be used as a template to start your terrain design.  Instead of trying to divide a square symetrically, it's probably easier to work with this circle.  Each sector is 25 miles across.