Author Topic: V0.96 Ready  (Read 1018 times)

Offline hitech

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V0.96 Ready
« on: December 17, 2001, 01:26:00 PM »

1. Fixed one bug that could cause some cards not to work, if yours is working it will not effect anything

Download Here

______________V0.95__________ _____

V0.95 Is Ready.

V0.95 Should make people with sb32 and other full duplex boards work.

1. Added the abilty to record at different freq. You will not see this, it just auto selects the best one.

______________V0.94__________ _____

1. Fixed a bug that after using ahvoice for a while you would stop receiving.

2. Changed how 2 people talking at once works.

3. v0.93 With some sound cards if you went into settings it would change your speaker volume, this was fixed.

Now if 2 people are talking at the same time, when the first person completes the 2nd transmition will play in its entirety.

______________V0.93__________ _____

V0.93 Is ready, fixed a few play back items that could cause repeating sounds.

Added automatic mic selection. Not it will change your system mic slection settings.

Added a list of whos on the tunable radio channel.

Made one change that might fix the users whos mic workes fine in RW and Wave recorder but did not work in AHVoice.

______________V0.92__________ _____
We have round 3 of ahvoice testing ready.
It is integrated with the main arena channel 5 radio.

There are now 2 channels availible. The 2nd transmit key will be used as a range /room channel, if you are in flight any friendly in icon range will here you.

NOTE: Range channel will not be operational untill we install a new host version on wednesday.

If you are not in flight it functions as the room channel.

Instalation Notes.

Make sure you have RW disabled in AH.

1. Download and run ahvoice from any dir.

2. Select your 2 Transmit key and Game ID in ahvoice.

NOTE: the GameID MUST match your name in AH i.e. what you show in the roster as.

3. Press the transmit key and talk into mic.

If the sound system is working correctly
you should here your self back.
This is done by sending data to our sever and back to you when you are not in AH.

Adjust your mic volume so that you can here yourself plainly.

4. Start up AH and tune radio 5.

Talk into the mic again, this time you should not here yourself, other people on the channel should here you if they are running ahvoice 0.92 and tuned to the same channel.

AHVOice v0.92 will only work with the main arena.

For any firewall confilicts
The IP is and the port is 1999

This version should be fairly close to complete, things I am looking for is any confuration problems,any bugs where you have to restart ahvoice to get it to work again.

Any voice echo effects.

Any FPS changes do to ahvoice.

If you are running game voice shut it down for testing purposes.

This one is a new ground up effor


[ 12-17-2001: Message edited by: hitech ]