Author Topic: Coral Sea scenario  (Read 509 times)

Offline culero

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Coral Sea scenario
« on: April 10, 2005, 12:44:21 PM »
Aces High players who yearn for more immersion are missing what IMO is the best this game genre has to offer if they aren't participating in historic scenarios.

For those who aren't aware, historic scenarios are staged events crafted to reproduce the environment of historic air battles as closely as the game allows.

Rules, team objectives, and order of battle are structured by the event designers/producers to as closely replicate history as is possible.

Team command staffs organized by military model are designated to develop assignments, strategy, and tactics designed for team success.

Open registration allows players to choose which team they want to play on, and in some (most) cases what role they will play.

Walkon slots are available on game days to players who missed registration or were unable to commit in advance.

We are currently playing BATTLE OF THE CORAL SEA. Designer/producer Jim "SilverFox" Ridge, assisted by his squadron ( 327th Steel Talons ) and the Aces High CM Team, has delivered for the community a masterfully crafted event. It promises to be ranked very highly in the long tradition of historic scenarios.

We just flew the first "frame" yesterday, and it was marvelous. You have to experience one of these things to understand. The structure, which includes being assigned to roles structured along military lines, team-based rather then individual objectives for success, prior strategic and tactical planning, practice sessions, and pre-launch briefings, creates a level of immersion that is IMO as complete as is possible in this game environment. I personally experience such a level of tension during scenario frames that I am at once pumped with adrenaline and exhausted by "end-frame". The camaraderie that develops amongst team members creates something similar to that in athletic locker rooms after competitions...including the need to bathe sweat-soaked bodies ;)

Appended is the after-action report I posted for my scout group following yesterday's action. Other group's AARs are also posted in the secure areas for their teams, and will be available for viewing for anyone added to either of the teams.

The  Coral Sea General UBB contains a lot of stuff that may be of interest. Both Team Alpha CO ROC ( ROCrats) and Team Zulu CO FiLtH have e-mails available from their profiles there, and both can use more divebomber pilots, torpedo plane pilots, and PT boat drivers. Team Alpha will fly one more frame as USN defending Port Moresby, with Team Zulu as IJN attempting to invade Port Moresby - then the teams will switch roles for two more frames. Participants thus are able to experience the event from both an Allied and Axis perspective.

I highly recommend checking this out if you never have before.



Frame One HQ Scouts AAR

HQ Scouts sortied 5 aircraft from Tontouta at T-30 and one from Port Moresby at T+1. The Tontouta aircraft flew to pre-determined search paths in the area suspected to contain the IJN invasion fleet. The Port Moresby aircraft flew a zig-zag pattern ranging generally to the northeast in an effort to detect any early air attacks directed at Port Moresby.

In the event, the Port Moresby aircraft made the first sighting of IJN fleet elements, finding what proved to be the IJNS invasion fleet accompanied by the IJNS Shokaku group. This aircraft successfully evaded and defended itself from attack by IJN fleet CAP elements while shadowing and reporting the enema progress until attack elements from USS Lexington and USS Yorktown arrived in response.

Pilot 345 then successfully returned to Port Moresby for rearm and launched a second sortie to re-locate the invasion fleet for subsequent late-frame attacks. Unfortunately, gunner Dipsy managed to smuggle aboard a bottle of scotch whiskey during the rearm, and by the time 345 found and reported the invasion fleet's new location was so smashed he was unable to defend the aircraft. IJN fleet CAP immediately shot them down.

4 of the 5 aircraft sortied from Tontouta were also able to assist with IJNS fleet sightings reports.

Shortly after the invasion fleet was sighted, pilot Tilt found what later proved to be IJNS Zuikaku, and maintained contact to report its progress until being shot down by IJN fleet CAP approximately mid-frame.

Pilot culero sighted IJNS Zuikaku shortly after Tilt's sighting, and was immediately attacked by IJN fleet CAP. After receiving damage to fuel tanks and engine oil, and damaging one Zeke attacker, this aircraft was able to successfully recover at Port Moresby (losing one engine about halfway there).

Pilots GForce and DStar were both able to join with 345 and Tilt to assist with tracking the IJN fleets. Both these pilots successfully evaded enema AA and CAP until released to RTB. GForce safely recovered at Port Moresby while DStar ran out of fuel and ditched in coastal waters approximately 40 miles east of Port Moresby.

Pilot Bolan flew the eastern perimeter of the designated search grid area, clearing it, and then was released to RTB Tontouta. He ran out of fuel and ditched on final approach within sight of the runway at Tontouta.

Pilot 345 is hereby recommended for the Distinguished Flying Cross in recognition of his outstanding airmanship.

Gunner Dipsy is remanded to Captain's Mast for being drunk while on duty.

Respectfully submitted,

culero, Captain, USN HQ Scouts (aka Buck Nekkid)
“Before we're done with them, the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell!” - Adm. William F. "Bull" Halsey

Offline eilif

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Coral Sea scenario
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2005, 12:57:54 PM »
Aces High players who yearn for more immersion are missing what IMO is the best this game genre has to offer if they aren't participating in historic scenarios.

amen, historical scenarios are all i play these days, even tho i only lasted for 40 seconds apon sighting a massive svarm of fighters aproaching the base my squad was soposed to guard, it was the most intense 40 seconds i have expirienced in online play.

 its a shame they take so long to set up, but its worth it. im betting TOD will streamline that aspect.

Offline SilverFox

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Coral Sea scenario
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2005, 01:13:21 PM »
Thanks culero!

We can use more players, since we had about 50 open slots yesterday inspite of several walkons, who by the way did a great job of falling in line and working with these polished teams.

As I followed strike packages from bith teams during the course of the  event, I was truly amazed at the execution.  Its all coming together and I'm happy with the way its turning out. :cool:

Offline culero

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Coral Sea scenario
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2005, 01:17:17 PM »
Originally posted by eilif
amen, historical scenarios are all i play these days, even tho i only lasted for 40 seconds apon sighting a massive svarm of fighters aproaching the base my squad was soposed to guard, it was the most intense 40 seconds i have expirienced in online play.

 its a shame they take so long to set up, but its worth it. im betting TOD will streamline that aspect.

The TOD concept IMO is more like "scenario lite". It promises to offer a lot of what a scenario does (structured/team-oriented gameplay, with missions objectives and order of battle designed to enhance immersion) but without requiring players to commit far in advance to the rigid scheduling a scenario requires.

That said, I am excited as hell about what TOD will bring to the game. It should, again IMO, offer a much better level of immersion than the MA, and I anticipate it being my choice of gameplay in between scenarios :)

“Before we're done with them, the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell!” - Adm. William F. "Bull" Halsey

Offline BTAirsol

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Walk Ons
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2005, 01:41:39 PM »
I just wanted to say that I had a great time flying with Dutchman, woody and all capping the IJN fleet. I was a walk on and had a lot of fun. I am trying to get more of my squad "Blue Thunder" for the second frame. Is it possible to stay with the group I was in for the next frame?

Offline john9001

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Coral Sea scenario
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2005, 03:18:08 PM »
date and time for next frame please.

Offline SKJohn

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Coral Sea scenario
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2005, 06:28:53 PM »
This coming Satuday, 3:00 p.m. EST ( I THink...) Check the Coral sea section of the BBS lower down on the pages and you'l find it listed.

I flew in the last one (Rangoon '42) and took part in last Saturday's 1st Frame of "Coral Sea".  If you've never flown in one of the scenarios, I'd highly reccomend it.  It's a totally different feeling than flying in the MA.  MA - sorta like, "well, this is cool, but if I get shot down, so what - I'll just up again" etc.
But in the scenario, you have an actual mission that you must accomplish - the success of both you AND yuor team depepends on each person successfully doing the parts they've been assigned.  And, unlike the MA, you usually only get one life to do it with.
As Culero stated, the adrenaline rush, tension and sweating are something I've never experienced in my 1st year in the MA.  (No offense, Culero, but I'll pass on the locker room shower thingy with ya...:) )
If you've never tried one, by all means show up for the "walk-on" slots this coming Saturday - you'll have a blast!

Offline culero

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Coral Sea scenario
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2005, 08:07:51 PM »
BTAirsol, yes its likely you can fly with the same group. That's a common request and every effort is always made to honor it. Just e-mail the team CO (FiLtH if you flew IJN, ROCrats if you flew USN) and let 'em know that's what you want, they'll hook you up (they both have a lotta posts in the special events area of these boards, just use the e-mail thingy there).

As a matter of fact, this is the way many long-lasting friendships start. For instance, I met FiLtH years ago in Air Warrior when he was in your exact spot - a scenario rookie flying for his first time, assigned to a group I was helping lead. He fell in love with these events, and look where he is now (in command).

john9001 yes its 3PM EDT Saturday, but please show up 45 minutes to an hour early. First you have to alert people you're wanting to walk on, then be assigned to a group, accept a squad invite (no worries, squads in the special events arena don't affect any main arena squad you may be in) and be briefed on the mission.

“Before we're done with them, the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell!” - Adm. William F. "Bull" Halsey

Offline mussie

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Coral Sea scenario
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2005, 06:21:28 AM »
Man I was so hanging out to fly in the Coral Sea scenario I got up at 2 am (I am in brisbane) logged on and saw no one in the room, At this point I began kicking myself cause I had screwed up the time difference and I had to start work at 5 around the time you guys started.

Unfortunatly I am rostered on at work again for saturdays frame, So I wont be there either but I should be right for the last two.

Man its a bugger I was really looking foward to it, I had been hoping to fly one of the scout planes.

Later All

Offline FiLtH

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Coral Sea scenario
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2005, 07:26:39 AM »
Great write up Kelly!

     BTAirsol...come right back on saturday, 16th 2:30 pm et and see  iKo or Plink. VFZ was the squad you were with.

    I must say...I was highly impressed with the walkon guys. Everyone just slid into a slot, and away we went!


Offline iKo

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Re: Walk Ons
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2005, 07:38:46 AM »
Originally posted by BTAirsol
I just wanted to say that I had a great time flying with Dutchman, woody and all capping the IJN fleet. I was a walk on and had a lot of fun. I am trying to get more of my squad "Blue Thunder" for the second frame. Is it possible to stay with the group I was in for the next frame?

Yes you can BTAirsol it was a lot of fun (btw you guys did a great job) and you and others are welcome to join us. I have max 12 guys and alot of them did not show up so you guys are welcome to come. E-mail me with the names of players and I will try and get them spots. if my 12 fill up i am sure we can find them a place. try and come early likr 2:15 est time so I can set up.

BTW, for the new guys you will find that when we do this all Rooks,Bish,Knights become friends and you do not have the BS like in the MA. Just a bunch of great people that all love the same things and become friends, thats why I think most of us started playing AH2 in the first place. IMO
« Last Edit: April 12, 2005, 11:12:52 AM by iKo »

Offline BTAirsol

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Frame 2
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2005, 09:35:12 AM »
iko, thanks. I will contact my squadmates and advise names. Thanks again, all the guys were asking about how it went. We have 13 in squad that are active flyers, but maybe 5 will commit stay tuned.

Offline culero

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Re: Frame 2
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2005, 08:08:59 PM »
Originally posted by BTAirsol
iko, thanks. I will contact my squadmates and advise names. Thanks again, all the guys were asking about how it went. We have 13 in squad that are active flyers, but maybe 5 will commit stay tuned.

WTG, the more the merrier.

Of course, flying for Team Zulu, you_must_die :cool:

“Before we're done with them, the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell!” - Adm. William F. "Bull" Halsey