Anyone checked lately on the numbers of student instigated massacres in Isreal? Last I checked some of the teachers are armed. But then they are in a state of persistant war and have experience with madmen armed with bombs and guns attempting to assault their schools. The Isrealies are moral, religious and they carry guns.
In every case of a school massacre in the US, an armed teacher could have stopped it dead cold. But then the litigation and civil suits by the parents of the deceased littel monsters would bankrupt the school districts for allowing the teachers to defend the lives of their students from these innocent littel darlings. After all we are a victem society. Poor littel me, I think I will go out and kill someone hoo,,poor littel me. My life is so hard.....
Regardless of how anyone feels about guns and the what if collateral damage to innocent victoms on this board. If teachers shoot 2 or 3 of these monsters in the next year, the monsters will find another venue to express their love and grooviness for their fellow man. Like drug addiction, nihilism ruins individuals, families and societies. It's funny how we make a dog owner responsible for the conduct of the dog. If the dog assaults someone we remedy that very quickly. But we don't hold parents responsible for their monsters, nor do we hold the monster responsible for it's choices. We just keep sending our kids to die at the hands of these littel monsters in our tax payed for victem disarmemant zones.