Author Topic: Students Killed in school shooting...  (Read 5146 times)

Offline Scherf

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Students Killed in school shooting...
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2005, 11:38:14 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I suppose that the pressure of not having any individuality or right to defend yourself is the reason the other countries have such a hitgh suicide rate....

Yup - that's gotta be it.
... missions were to be met by the commitment of alerted swarms of fighters, composed of Me 109's and Fw 190's, that were strategically based to protect industrial installations. The inferior capabilities of these fighters against the Mosquitoes made this a hopeless and uneconomical effort. 1.JD KTB

Offline Toad

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Students Killed in school shooting...
« Reply #46 on: March 22, 2005, 11:50:01 AM »
Originally posted by Curval
Nope..I will reserve my lip biting to gun massacres in the US.


Ah, so you are totally blase and unconcerned about the tens of thousands of deaths world-wide caused by drunk drivers?

And murder using any other inanimate object doesn't cause concern or sympathy?

And only pointless death in the US is of interest to you? The rest of the world is not worthy of concern?

OK. I guess.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Siaf__csf

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« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2005, 12:10:00 PM »
How many everyday chores of an average persons are hindered or made impossible by removing cars?

How many everyday chores of an average person is hindered or made impossible by removing firearms?

Those two can't be compared directly.

Offline Curval

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Students Killed in school shooting...
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2005, 12:12:22 PM »
My you read alot into my posts there Toad.

I was just referring to gun threads on this BBS.

Tell you what...Nashwan has posted a very interesting statistic on school attacks in the UK.  Comment on that instead of trying to bait me.
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Offline bustr

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« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2005, 01:30:00 PM »
Anyone checked lately on the numbers of student instigated massacres in Isreal? Last I checked some of the teachers are armed. But then they are in a state of persistant war and have experience with madmen armed with bombs and guns attempting to assault their schools. The Isrealies are moral, religious and they carry guns.

In every case of a school massacre in the US, an armed teacher could have stopped it dead cold. But then the litigation and civil suits by the parents of the deceased littel monsters would bankrupt the school districts for allowing the teachers to defend the lives of their students from these innocent littel darlings. After all we are a victem society. Poor littel me, I think I will go out and kill someone hoo,,poor littel me. My life is so hard.....

Regardless of how anyone feels about guns and the what if collateral damage to innocent victoms on this board. If teachers shoot 2 or 3 of these monsters in the next year, the monsters will find another venue to express their love and grooviness for their fellow man. Like drug addiction, nihilism ruins individuals, families and societies. It's funny how we make a dog owner responsible for the conduct of the dog. If the dog assaults someone we remedy that very quickly. But we don't hold parents responsible for their monsters, nor do we hold the monster responsible for it's choices. We just keep sending our kids to die at the hands of these littel monsters in our tax payed for victem disarmemant zones.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #50 on: March 22, 2005, 01:31:10 PM »
Redtop - it's not that the WORLD is getting crazier. America is getting crazier.
I thought that UK dude killing all those little UK kids in that UK school with a UK gun a few years ago was pretty UK sad.

Also, why would an amurican indian do this to his fellow amurican indian friends?  could it be......close proximity to canada?
« Last Edit: March 22, 2005, 01:35:05 PM by Yeager »
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Offline Vulcan

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« Reply #51 on: March 22, 2005, 01:34:30 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon
You know its funny, but as soon as I read this article I figured that exactly the kind of responses we are reading here would already be on the O club board.

A few observations:

1) "Red Lake Fire Director Roman Stately said the gunman had two handguns and a shotgun. The shooter may have obtained his weapons from his grandfather, who was a long-time police officer in the area"

The shooter in this case illegally obtained his weapons from a law enforcement officer, no gun control law other than one aimed at disarming the police (which to date I haven't heard proposed on either side of the aisle) would have made one wit of difference in preventing the shootings.  

Ummm OK, lets translate this directly to NZ (cos hey its where I know best). First of all the cop should have had the weapons and ammo stored securely. Second there would have been no need to own handguns, and if he was a "collector" they would have been in a safe. Worst case scenario the kid would have had to break the shotgun storage and all he would have been able to go on the rampage with was a shotgun - and in NZ it would be of a slow hand loaded (ie non-automatic, or small magazine) type, meaning he may have been disarmed easily.

Hmmm, seems to me your wrong seagoon, gun licensing and proper gun storage laws would have made a difference, but that is NZ of course and the USA is a whole different kettle of fish.

So why am I typing this? I just like to point out the path the USA could have taken but missed out on, and now your reaping the consequences. And that gun laws serve to protect the rights of the innocent, rights... freedom.... lives.

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #52 on: March 22, 2005, 01:36:34 PM »
so with no guns new zealanders dont kill each other?  wow!

must be something in the water cuz it sure aint the queen.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #53 on: March 22, 2005, 01:44:39 PM »
Get this thread back on topic.... it's irrelevent what happens in other countries, or mentioning cars or other forms of killing etc.  This happened in a US school.  This tragedy is terrible but the question is how can the US prevent this or act upon it?  What options do they have?  

Forget the 'ban the gun', it's never going to happen in the US.  Even if everyone in a whole state got shot they still wouldn't ban them.  So, better education?  Pyschological checks on gun owners?  Limiting use?  What other feasible options are there?  Or are people content with what's happening and just see it as an everyday risk like being run over by a car?

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #54 on: March 22, 2005, 01:54:20 PM »
People murder people nexx, its that simple.  Nothing will ever change that.  You can argue about HOW people kill people but it will never change the basic reality.  And like you say, doesnt matter what country you live in or whether your country has no freedom to own firearms, people kill people for no good reason all the world over.

We just hope it never happens to us or ones we love.  And it usually does not.  I guess......
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline OIO

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« Reply #55 on: March 22, 2005, 02:02:18 PM »
what yeager said.

If that kid had no access to guns he wouldve probably got himself a spear a sword or a bow and arrow...results wouldve been the same.

And this aint no 'kid'.. 16 years old is almost as big as most adults.

I think the solution is the new smart gun tech. Cant fire if you dont have the other device..and a gun owner should have that with him at all times.

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #56 on: March 22, 2005, 02:08:10 PM »
Yes, people do kill others, unfortunately it's a fact of life.  It depends on whether you view what happened at this school is a problem or not.  If it is a problem then you must think of ways of how to reduce/prevent it.  If it isn't a problem then do nothing.

What is this new smart gun technology you speak of?  It sounds like a very good idea... but I guess the purists wouldn't want anyone tampering with their 'classic' guns would they?

What other feasible options are there?

Offline GreenCloud

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« Reply #57 on: March 22, 2005, 02:13:24 PM »
replicant..its called "parenting"

Offline beet1e

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Students Killed in school shooting...
« Reply #58 on: March 22, 2005, 02:26:03 PM »
Originally posted by OIO
If that kid had no access to guns he wouldve probably got himself a spear a sword or a bow and arrow...results wouldve been the same.  
I don't agree with that. I doubt that he could have killed nine people with a bow and arrow before being stopped - or a sword, or a spear. Guns are so efficient - that's why they're favoured above swords by the police/army etc.

Curval - yes, it's my fault that T&L tins were banned. When I was allowed back to school, I was freaked out by the kids who screamed and backed up against the wall when I came near. I had to be kept in a break times, and kept in at home time (to give the other kids a chance to escape - lol) and it really did my head in. That plus the thought of being sent away to boarding school really turned me around - though I'm still a bit screwed up. ;) Bet you never realised you were sitting next to a mad syrup tin killer that night in London. :lol

OK, gun guys. Let's not turn this into a pissing contest. I have one question: WHAT can be done about these multiple assassinations? Two this month. Then there was the four year old who got a gun and killed his two year old sister.

The common denominator is that someone who was not sufficiently responsible to possess a gun managed to lay his hands on one. What can be done about that?

I was impressed at Lazs's hovel - he had all his guns locked in a big green safe. :aok

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #59 on: March 22, 2005, 02:30:13 PM »
replicant... you have a very valid question.  I believe that bustr answered it for you and that I have also but, again...

I believe that simply allowing those teachers who qualified and who wished to, to carry concealed you would eliminate all but a very few of these school shootings and those that did happen would end very quickly.  

If the kids knew that a smalkl percentage of the adults were armed the cowardly little pukes wouldn't even consider it.  Even if one of em dredged up the stones to try it he would be shot down before long.

course... being Americans they would probly just make fertilizer bombs like mcveigh.

Another thing is... we should have th4e media do long invoilved stories on this shooter... saying how this proved what a weak and effeminate guy he was and that he was a repressed homo who couldn't face the fact that he was... or that he was molested and liked it..   Instead.... the media will make him out to be some badass goth cultural hero (cultural hero to guys like him)..

If these little bedwetters knew that their lives would be mocked for such an act a lot of the appeal of being a copycat badguy would go away.

as for nashwans examples... I think we all know that british are just wimpier than Americans... even their psycos are pale imitations of real red blooded American psycos.
