Author Topic: Trainer Corps Accepting Applications  (Read 898 times)

Offline Pyro

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Trainer Corps Accepting Applications
« on: June 26, 2000, 02:19:00 PM »
We're looking for qualified applicants to become Aces High training instructors. Training instructors will be responsible for providing assistance to new players. This assistance will cover everything from how to play the game to basic ACM. Applicants should have a strong desire to help other people, be very patient, have a good temperment, and have good communication skills. Basic technical knowledge in Windows and internet communications as it relates to AH is very helpful. A full understanding of the game mechanics is necessary and the applicant should be a proficient pilot. It is not necessary to be a top pilot, but you should be proficient at the game. This training program is not intended to give advanced ACM lessons.

A position as an instructor requires at least 2 hours of arena time per week as an instructor, monitoring and responding to the help and training forum on the BBS, and the ability to be reasonably available to work with students on a one-to-one basis as requested.

Applicants must have had an AH subscription for at least the past 4 months.

A tour as an instructor lasts 4 months. Instructors can serve multiple tours as long as they are not consecutive. This is done to keep the training staff fresh and to give more people the opportunity to participate in this program, thereby raising player awareness of the difficulties of getting new players up to speed.

Training instructors will receive 6 months of free time for each 3 month tour that is served beginning when they start their tour as an instructor. Free time is non-transferrable.

If you are interesting in applying for an instructor position, cut and paste the following application into an email to with the subject of "Instructor Application".  There are limited positions available so most applications will not be selected at this time.  

Application must be received no later than 30 June.


AH Handle:

Message Board Handle:

How long you've played AH:

Where you live:

Languages other than English:

Days and times you would typically be available for training:

Why you want to be an instructor:

Why you think you'll make a good instructor:


Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

"I say old boy, why don't you shut up and die like a man?"

[This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 06-26-2000).]