I don't know if I'm just too tired to be looking at the Object Editor and 3D Canvas right now or I'm just Dumb as a Stump!
I'm missing something...........
3D Canvas
File/Open -------------- *.3dc and *.3do files
File/Export -------------- .pov files
File/Import -------------- .x files
File/Save As ............... *.3DC files
AH2 Object Editor
File/Open ------------------ *.til files
File/Save As --------------- *.til files
File/Build ------------------- *.shp files
File/Convert Ac3d File ----------- *.shp files
I don't see how I can get an object from 3D Canvas and load it into the OE
I don't see how I can take an object from the OE and load it into 3D Canvas to look at it. Something as simple as str4 which looks like a box.
I guess I'm too tired and better goto bed.
If someone can shed some light on this I would be greatly appreciated.