Author Topic: Version 1.04 Released  (Read 850 times)

Offline Pyro

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Version 1.04 Released
« on: September 08, 2000, 01:54:00 PM »
Version 1.04 has been released.  It is available through our download page or via the auto-updater.  We do prefer that you download it through the webpage to help us manage our traffic.  There is no patch available for this version.  You must install the base.  You can install right over the top of your existing installation to preserve your configurations.  We did not make a patch for technical reasons, but primarily we would not be able to save much space a lot of changes affected all distribution files.  

There is also a new hi-res patch available on our download page.  If you are using the optional hi-res textures, you need to download this file as well.

One of the major differences in this version for existing players will be the changes we made to the flight dynamics.  This has been a very taxing development cycle that ran much longer than we originally intended.  There has been such a large volume of work done in this area that we do anticipate having some idiosyncracies show up on different planes that will need fixing.  So far, we've been very happy with the results- how they bear out under analysis, how they feel, and how they affect combat.



Aces High Version 1.04 Changes

Added a new padlock view mode.  This view mode will switch views to track a selected target.
The padlock will not track targets that are obstructed from view and those targets will
have to be manually reacquired to enable the padlock again.  Normal views can still be
used to look around while in padlock mode.  The default keys for padlock are as follows.  
You may have to manually map this key if you've made any previous changes to your keymap.

F11 - Turns padlock mode on.  A selected target will not be tracked unless in this mode.

TAB - Cycles target selection between available targets in view.  

Shift Tab - Selects the target closest to the center of the screen.  

Control Tab - Toggles friendly mode.  Allows target selection to include friendly planes.

Note: Tab was formerly used as the default key for the message window size.  The default
key for this has been moved to the ~ key.

Added combat trim mode.  This mode is used to keep your plane from getting too far out
of trim, but will not trim your plane as precisely as the manual trim or auto-pilot.
Using manual trim or autopilot will automatically turn off combat trim.  In the flight
setup menu, you can specify whether you want combat trim on or off after you exit
autopilot mode.  CTRL X is the default key to toggle combat trim on and off.  You may
have to manually map this key if you've made any previous changes to your keymap.  A
light in the cockpit displays whether combat trim is on or off.

Added the Ju 88A-4.

Added the Lancaster Mk III and associated ordnance.

Added the 3.7cm Flakpanzer IV "Ostwind".

Made a comprehensive change to the flight engine and models of plane characteristics.  This
resolved a number of issues we had with planes not measuring up to the real counterparts.
Added target drones in offline mode.  The drones only circle for now and will not act
accordingly when damaged.

Made optimizations to the engine for higher framerate.

Changed icons so that they do not appear if the plane is obstructed from view.

Added support to handle different icon settings for the main arena and event arenas.

Changed main arena icon range to 6k.

Changed the down time of the city to 2 hours.

Changed the SF terrain to lower A1 and updated the beta terrain for vehicles.

Fixed a visual problem with the rocket tube on the P-47D-25.

Fixed the gunsight texture on the P-47D-30.

Fixed a weight and ammo load inaccuracy on the Fw 190A-5.

Fixed the elevation range on the upper turret of the B-26.

Fixed the gunsight on the F4U so that it remains square.

Fixed the AA machine-gun on the Panzer so that it no longer shoots off center.

Made a color change on the Spitfire IX paint scheme.

Changed cockpit gauge lights to add unlit states.

Changed the default starting time from morning to afternoon.

Made a change in the way coastlines are smoothed.  This is not yet complete and
will feature smoothed beach transistions.

Fixed a bug causing water textures to show up black.

Added the ability to change terrains offline.  This is done in the setup menu.

Made a change to how we model airframe overstress.  This fixes most of the unanticipated
overstresses, particularly on the wings.

Film viewer now displays correct terrain of film.

Film viewer now correctly displays object states.

Clouds now appear in films if they were present when the film was taken.

The fixed view mode was changed to maintain a fixed distance and viewing angle
from the plane.

Added hot keys to the film viewer.  These keys can only be mapped when you
are in the film viewer.

Changed the loadout hangar for bombers so that the loadout options are not
obscured by the planes.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

Offline Pyro

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Version 1.04 Released
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2000, 05:54:00 PM »

Oil pressure and engine temp gauges now reflect damage to oil and coolant systems.

Added a moon.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations