Author Topic: AH DirectX 8 Open Beta  (Read 918 times)

Offline Pyro

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AH DirectX 8 Open Beta
« on: June 14, 2001, 03:32:00 PM »
We have a beta version of Aces High available to test out on different systems for incompatibility problems.  Version 1.08 will require DirectX 8.  There have been a lot of changes made at a core level because of this.  Part of the end result will be some graphical enhancements that we'll release later in this beta.  Initially, it should function identically to the current version of AH.

What you will need to try this beta:

1-  DirectX 8.0a installed on your machine.
2-  Aces High Version 1.07 Patch 3 installed.
3-  This download:
This download is only about 650KB.

The download will install a separate executable(ahdx8.exe) into your Aces High directory.  A new shortcut will also appear on your start menu.  To run the beta, just launch it from your start menu as you would Aces High.  You can use this beta offline and online.  Should you have a terminal problem with the beta, you can continue to use the regular version of AH as the beta installation does not conflict or overwrite that.

The beta uses two separate config files in your settings directory.  They are video8.cfg and jsmap8.cfg.  All the rest of the configuration files are shared.  If you have remapped your joystick axes in the past, you will have to repeat that process for the beta.

There is a new forum set up to report on the beta.  What we are looking for is any problems that you have with the beta that you don't have with 1.07p3.  We are also looking for framerate comparisons between the beta and 1.07p3 in identical situations using identical video settings.  Please post your complete system specs when reporting.

This is the boring stage of the beta since there's nothing visibly different about it.  However, it is very important to us to identify any compatibility issues at the core level before we begin to add more.  

Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated and will bring a better product to all.

[ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Pyro ]

[ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Pyro ]