Author Topic: disable forward firing guns in external view  (Read 710 times)

Offline WDOT4W

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disable forward firing guns in external view
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2005, 01:42:21 PM »
In game play it gives advantages to the IL2M3 (in particular) and the A20 that they have no right to have.

You can dog fight pulling full deflection shots with full sight of the opponent...........<<

EGG-ZACTLY!!  I'd fly the 38G more if I had this ability...

Nobody has to use the external views true, but that aint the point.

The point is people will use it. Which means that there will be no bilnd spots. Players will have a totally unrealistic field of view.

Imagine a P51 fleeing. Hit x and go to f3 view to make sure no one sneaks up on you from your blind spot.<<

EGG-ZACTLY x2 !! I understand that the Buffs were manned & the crewmen could call out enemy's & fire at attackers... but weren't the individual crewman's particular views also restricted ?? I.E. the tail gunner couldn't see the 190 from "hi 12"... Also, weren't the gunners supplied with 60sec's of ammo ??

I'm just guessing here but weren't these abilities given to the buffs to increase their survivabiliy ??  Along with the option of formations that can be driven by a single player, as well as manned with an additional crewman ??
I don't have a problem with ppl flyin buffs or wanting to egg fields til there's nothing left to fight ...

what I do have a problem with are "advantages/options" that are given to the buffs so they can "survive" ...

in WW2, buffs were notoriously easy prey if unescorted... just look at the "Mighty 8th's" losses during 43...
I'm sure there are some here who can quote the #'s verbatim but it's something like 100,000 air crewman lost in 11months or something like that...(just saw it on the military chnl:D ) ...

Now I don't want buffs that can be knocked down with fly-swatters, but ...
ahh hell I dunno what I want in this matter,(or should I say "my opinion of this matter")...

I know it's a game, but I know that I have to keep in mind of these options/advantages of these particular planes... (again in my opinion) they can exploit "things" that aren't available to me strictly because I'm not flying that plane...

Maybe I'm of the mind to give it to one then give it to all... ??  

But I don't want that either... I like the fact that the F6's  rear views are restricted...or that the 38G's forward view is restricted, limited & just a big pain in the arse, ... I like the fact that we have to work around it, without external views for "survivability"...
the fighters are what they are, and we're given them as is & make do...

do the tanks/GV's have Ext views available ??
I've just never tried them & I'm curious is all...

Not tryin to start a firestorm or offend anyone... just is the way I see things...