Well I love models..but to do them rigth ..takes alot of patience and time..I tried to find the middle ground
I did all of these during my various days of disabilities
During My ACL replacement..I did the 109k-p47-n?..i cant remembr
and this b-24..forgot model number..but no ball turret
Spit1...who the hell wants to fly this?
Ju88-DD--Day Destroyer..Hwo would you feel when the Luftwaffe wants you to "fake" liek your a day light level bomer...so nme AC try to HO you...BUT!!..you have massive cannons in your "fake" plexy glass nose....Im missing a prop..wel..its on my desk---its a sham emy pics not bettr..thsi was my firts airbrush job..much bettr lookn..but..it was only a $40 air brush..
B-25-H...BADDDD azzzzsz ride...75 mil gun..multi 50 cals...as you may see..all my 4-nose mounted 50 cals are broke off rigth now..arggghhh
HS-129...another anti somthn on the ground..HUGE 75mil cannon also..Thsi was either loaded buy pneumatic..electric or MANUEL..Like a big pump shotgun..lolol
Formation of b24s..The Dragon and its Tail..I actaully Flew on..
all my bomers had strings of bombs falling out but...most hav ebroke off now..dammit