Author Topic: Medals and rank  (Read 613 times)


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Medals and rank
« on: January 16, 2001, 01:10:00 PM »
Hiya guys!

I am looking on different AH home sites and see that they have there one medals and ranking(captain,serjeant el.) system.
In WB theres a TOD of 3-4 weeks and you are ranked in grades and awards medals as you kills and the war progress.
I miss that , I think its fun and awarding to be ranked and given medals as the war goes in the game.


Kind regards



Offline Westy

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Medals and rank
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2001, 01:14:00 PM »

This is going to get cornfusing.

 But as to your subject. I vote yes, for those that like that kind of thing.


(just... Westy)

Offline BaneX

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Medals and rank
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2001, 03:11:00 PM »
Actually I think it's a fine idea.. even though my squad doesn't and probably never will do soethng like that. Acheiving a certain k/d ratio by doing it the less dweeby way (whichever way that is dependng on what you consider dweeby) give s a sense of accomplishment as would say an attained rank or medals. It gives a player something to strive for if used correctly. Excellent idea and ne in use already by a couple squads I think.


13th TAS

OTTO 111th Fighter Group

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Medals and rank
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2001, 03:54:00 PM »
Whobbel, no disrespect, but the 'rank' system in WB's is about as dumb an idea as ever came out of that sim, or any other.
   Medals?   Ok, whatever turns you on. But a Silver Star and a nickel, in any of these sims,  will just about get you a ride downtown on the Subway.

576 Squadron - Bomber Command

Offline JoeMud

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Medals and rank
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2001, 07:08:00 PM »
I feel lost without the ranks and medals like the ones in WB there is realy no objective for me in this game just fly around and kill stuff.....gets rather stupid after awhile.

Offline NHFoxtro

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Medals and rank
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2001, 08:42:00 PM »
I miss that also in the game would be fun to see that pop up in the future. Send your Idea to Pyro and ask him.  

Offline SOB

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Medals and rank
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2001, 01:35:00 AM »
I'm not all that interested personally.  Besides, the FDBs already have various metals & ranks...and some of us are rank.

LS1C - Latrine Scrubber First Class
NCI - No Class Imbecile (After LSFC...until Fatty or whoever is IHC for the week gets around to bestowing some class on ya)
JACKprettythang - Junior Airman, Chute Killing And Sheep Shagging (makes up most of the current squad)
CAICON - Cheif A-hole In Charge Of Nothing (the most sought-after do nothing, you're responsible for nothing)

SAP - Senior Airman Pee-on
SUI - Senior Uninformed Imbecile.  This is the squad member responsible for informative little updates, such as what beer is on special at the local Piggly Wiggly.
IHC - Inept High Commander.  The highest rank an FDB can achieve.  Equivelent to the an Air Force AB (Airman Basic).

The Crusty - Recieved for rising out of the rank of LS1C...this particular metal is carved from the buildup behind the latrines.

The Crushed Beer Can - Crushed right on Gordo's noggin, and recieved for your 10th chute kill or a goon drop with a perfectly formed "Mason Loop".

Crushed Beer Can w/Tab - Same as above but more coveted, as the tabs are generally plucked off the cans to flick at any LS1C nearby.

The Three-Fiddy Patch - Recieved for posting an exceptional bit of pornography for the rest of the perverts to druel over.  This patch was originally worn by Fatty's mom...not sure of the signifigance of it...just a patch that says "$3.50, same as downtown".  Also called the stinky patch (we only have one, and it's passed on to each new recipient).

The Bone - Always given with enthusiasm.  This is literally the bone from a former hot wing, given for bringing a lounging officer a beer...The bigger your bone collection, the more respect is paid to you by the officers.

FDB CAICON & sometimes a real JACKprettythang  

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!