Originally posted by hitech I do love statments like this."What I'm asking is that there be some relatively simple code be added"Just to give you a little idea.1. In lots of cases the sever dosn't know you disco until you time out with no communication.2. There is no simulation code running on the server. It would have to be added to keep your plane flying.3. But wait you could fly into a mountain. There is no terrain on the host, let alone collision detection. Even worse getting 1 fast enof to be able to collide mutilple people ,And run there sim.4. What happens when you get shot down. Thats not handled on the server now.5. But you could fly threw ack. There is no terrain on the server let alone AI for the ack to shoot at you.Just a few quick thoughts, of that realatively simple code add.Sorry not going to happen.HiTech