Author Topic: Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.  (Read 2082 times)

Offline Fishu

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #75 on: April 16, 2005, 11:00:21 AM »
Originally posted by prkele
No et kuitenkaan ole vielä oppinut käyttäytymään aikuisten lailla? No ehkäpä viellä joskus.

??????????????????? Perustele.

Useat kysymysmerkit ja se ettet ole vieläkään lopettanut tätä turhan päiväistä asiaa, jota ei olisi tarvinnut edes aloittaa niin lapsellisella tavalla, käyvät perusteluista
Meitä fiksumpana osaat vissiin lopettaa jankuttamisen.

Now back to english...

Offline SkyWolf

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #76 on: April 16, 2005, 11:40:23 AM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Ohhh he watches "cops"

LOL Every cop I personally know claims that is one of the most unrealistic shows out there. They view it more as a comedy.
News papers as do the rest of the media report stories they way they want to report them and they usually dont let the truth stand in the way of a good story.

You actually responded to that? Comical. Allthough you stubbornly standing behind the assertion that these folks would make the ultimate fighting force is about as funny as it gets. You trying to convince me that the stories of the innocent victims being killed are somehow fabricated  is even more ridiculous. Trust me when I say I know a bit more about this than you do.

You shoot recreationally. But have you ever shot at a person? And was that person shooting or potentially have the ability of shooting back?

Target shooting and people shooting are two completely different things

That's true. However having a working knowledge of firearms and the ability to  hit SOMETHING SOMETIME gives me a bit more insight into the matter than you will ever have. If you can't hit a target at more than 5 feet away under any circumstances then you are hardly a viable fighting force.



Offline prkele

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #77 on: April 16, 2005, 01:25:40 PM »
And here we have some adult comments, eh :
Päätellen kielenkäytöstä joku alaikäinen. Oliskohan sun syytä katsoa peiliin ennenkuin alat neuvomaan muita kuinka tulee käyttäytyä?
No et kuitenkaan ole vielä oppinut käyttäytymään aikuisten lailla? No ehkäpä viellä joskus.
Useat kysymysmerkit ja se ettet ole vieläkään lopettanut tätä turhan päiväistä asiaa, jota ei olisi tarvinnut edes aloittaa niin lapsellisella tavalla, käyvät perusteluista

Etkä pystynyt perustelemaan noita sanomisia millään kunnollisella tavalla. (3:s lainaus   ei  ole peruste)

End of  story

Offline Nilsen

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #78 on: April 16, 2005, 01:29:54 PM »
OPFPEKF oedfje fnmsokdfiowe2kwåfk  wkejfw  mwkfjpweåw fjwofw  owpå3r


Offline genozaur

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #79 on: April 16, 2005, 01:58:37 PM »
Originally posted by Fishu
Lopeta jo nyssyily, tiedän nyt kuka olet.

I haven't understood a kuka in the above lopeta.:D

Offline Nilsen

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #80 on: April 16, 2005, 02:02:04 PM »
its their verison of leet.. its called shiit :o

Offline genozaur

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #81 on: April 16, 2005, 02:25:07 PM »
Originally posted by StarOfAfrica2
The new textbooks arent denying anything.  They simply gloss over what happened.  And its only middle school aged kids who would be affected.  High school age kids will still have the older style textbooks.  This sort of "history lesson" was being introduced at middle school ages, and they decided those kids were too young.  They arent lying to anyone, they simply decided not to tell 10-12 year old children just how bad great grandfather was.  Japan has repeatedly given official apologies to China for what that generation did, and have been a model democratic society ever since.  How many generations do you want to see grovel in front of the world before they are allowed to have a little dignity again?  Granted, some of the officials in charge in Tokyo could have a little more tact in dealing with this, but its really amazing how quickly even we Americans fall for the Propaganda machine the communists use so very effectively.

And I still vividly remember how the Japaneese at the sunrise of their history were killing the northeastern aborigine tribes of kumaso and ebisu=ainu (nowadays such killings are called genocide). Ainu were the followers of the ancient Eurasian cult of the Bear, so they were not human in the eyes of the Yamato and Idzumo invaders (preancestors of modern Japaneese).

So, Staro, your words about "communistic Propaganda machine" are a relatively fresh lie.
And it stinks even more, because it's fresh.   :rofl


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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #82 on: April 16, 2005, 03:38:27 PM »
Originally posted by SkyWolf
You actually responded to that? Comical. Allthough you stubbornly standing behind the assertion that these folks would make the ultimate fighting force is about as funny as it gets. You trying to convince me that the stories of the innocent victims being killed are somehow fabricated is even more ridiculous. Trust me when I say I know a bit more about this than you do.

That's true. However having a working knowledge of firearms and the ability to  hit SOMETHING SOMETIME gives me a bit more insight into the matter than you will ever have. If you can't hit a target at more than 5 feet away under any circumstances then you are hardly a viable fighting force.



Never claimed they would make the ultimate fighting force. Though with training they possibly could be.

They do however have the ability to kill without feeling or remorse. And they wont freeze up when being shot at. They will shoot back
 Which in itself makes them dangerous even to soldiers.

trust you no.
Doubt you. yes

and you still havent provided any proof that then cant hit anything beyond 5 feet.
the only evidence you have provided is that you watch "cops" which all cops I personally know feel is a joke of a show.
And read the newspapers. Which in my own personal experiance know for fact they report stories the way they want them and not always the way things happened

I also never at any point claimed the stories of innocent vicims werent true. I will however claim that not all shootings are drivebys.
And I will claim that even our own law enforcement and soldiers manage to unintentionally kill innocent victims also.

I am however unimpressed with and reject your claim that because you have a working knowledge of firearms. you have more insight then I.

Seems that a few of our best and bravest have gotten killed in Iraq by people with the same  kind of knowledge our gangbangers have. No way you can convince me that most of them are experts with guns.

Your comments overall only lead me to beleive that you would underestimate these people. Because its obvious you have no clue as to their capabilities
Which in turn also leads me to beleive you would probably manage to get yourself killed by them through sheer arrogence.

As for my insight you dont have fantasy of a clue as to exactly how much insight I have.
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Offline SkyWolf

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #83 on: April 16, 2005, 04:49:24 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK
Never claimed they would make the ultimate fighting force. Though with training they possibly could be.

I said you consider them a viable fighting force. Which you do. READ the posts man and pay attention to what YOU say.

They do however have the ability to kill without feeling or remorse.

This makes them defective humans, not soldiers

 And they wont freeze up when being shot at. They will shoot back
 Which in itself makes them dangerous even to soldiers.

Yes... I'm sure a bunch of bangers with nines is going to be real effective against trained soldiers. That little insult to the military is too stupid to even bother with.

trust you no.
Doubt you. yes

Oh no. Whatever shall I do?

and you still havent provided any proof that then cant hit anything beyond 5 feet.

Go do some research and watch some films. They scatter and throw bullets around. BFD. Real force to be reckoned with.

the only evidence you have provided is that you watch "cops" which all cops I personally know feel is a joke of a show.
And read the newspapers. Which in my own personal experiance know for fact they report stories the way they want them and not always the way things happened

Oh good. The old "only way to be on top of things is to read nothing" argument. If you read ALL kinds of media from ALL over the world you can learn quite a bit. Means you can believe things other than what your daddy told you.
And.... you explain it then. Why do they miss each other and hit innocent people?

I also never at any point claimed the stories of innocent vicims werent true. I will however claim that not all shootings are drivebys.

I'm not talking about drivebys either. Most of the footage I've seen is goups in a face off firing and scattering.

And I will claim that even our own law enforcement and soldiers manage to unintentionally kill innocent victims also.

You are going to compare the Police to the bangers? God you are a dim bulb.

I am however unimpressed with and reject your claim that because you have a working knowledge of firearms. you have more insight then I.

It's THAN I.  And I don't care what you reject, reject.

Seems that a few of our best and bravest have gotten killed in Iraq by people with the same  kind of knowledge our gangbangers have. No way you can convince me that most of them are experts with guns.

That's because you are a close minded idiot. Most of these people have training. Once again you speak out of your oscar. Once again you insult our troops by comparing the insurgents to bangers. God I'm tired of you.

Your comments overall only lead me to beleive that you would underestimate these people. Because its obvious you have no clue as to their capabilities
Which in turn also leads me to beleive you would probably manage to get yourself killed by them through sheer arrogence.

As for my insight you dont have fantasy of a clue as to exactly how much insight I have.

If I'm right there's nothing arrogant about it. And I don't want to "have fantasy of a clue" how much insight you lack. You've made it painfully obvious to me.



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« Reply #84 on: April 16, 2005, 07:29:57 PM »
Lmao ok. twist what Im saying around to suit your point.
You must work for the media.

You DID claim that I thought they were the "ultimate fighting force" you might want to look back yourself.

I never insulted the military cept in your own imagination.

My comparing cops to gangbangers was only to point out that even those with training manage to UNINTENTIONALLY hit innocents.

The jewelry store where the robbery happened that I mentioned I've been in. The cops longest shot was MAYBE 10 feet. He fired 6 shots wounded only 1 of the robbers and managed to hit and kill his own wife.

So much for accuracy through training and having a working knowledge of firearms

Thats a fact. offended by it? tough

And now I see you have decided to degrade yourself to the infantile level of namecalling so this is where the debate ends.

But hey I'll give it to you. I didnt realise you had seen some films. And I had forgotten how Palm Harbor, FL was such a bastion of gangbangers where shootings were such an every day occurrence.
So you win you have far far more insight then I.

You may go on and get the last word in I'll let ya. You just know you have to
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Offline SkyWolf

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #85 on: April 16, 2005, 10:46:03 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK

Thats a fact. offended by it? tough

Offended by you?

 And I had forgotten how Palm Harbor, FL was such a bastion of gangbangers where shootings were such an every day occurrence.

Actually, it's right next to Tampa... and while admittedly not Detroit... it ain't Mayberry either.

So you win you have far far more insight then I.

Thank you. You are correct. And once again it's THAN not THEN. Edumacation much?

You may go on and get the last word in I'll let ya. You just know you have to

Thanks... I appreciate it. Now you be sure not to reply OK?


Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #86 on: April 17, 2005, 01:04:18 AM »
Originally posted by genozaur
And I still vividly remember how the Japaneese at the sunrise of their history were killing the northeastern aborigine tribes of kumaso and ebisu=ainu (nowadays such killings are called genocide). Ainu were the followers of the ancient Eurasian cult of the Bear, so they were not human in the eyes of the Yamato and Idzumo invaders (preancestors of modern Japaneese).

So, Staro, your words about "communistic Propaganda machine" are a relatively fresh lie.
And it stinks even more, because it's fresh.   :rofl

Never claimed the Japenese were blameless, or that they didnt do the things they were accused of.  They did.  And a whole lot of other things that most folks have either forgotten or choose not to educate themselves about.  All modern nations have done things in the past that they arent so proud of today.  No one is blameless.  What I'm saying is, I dont expect the grandchildren and great grandchildren of the men who did those things to pay the price of their dignity.  No one needs to forget what happened, but its time to forgive and move on.  An apology was offered.  More than once.  There is no lie or coverup here to require a new one.  The Chinese govornment is publicly calling for the cessation of violence, but seems to be approving of it not so publicly.  Seems to me they are deliberately stirring this old pot to a boil to distract the world while the Taiwan issue comes to a head.  If they can force the US to take sides and use the issue to try to draw lines for the sake of those living in Taiwan, so much the better.  Such things woud not be so out of character for China either.  And if you think they arent used to cranking out propaganda (just like every other major country in the world), then the stank you are smelling is the rotting meat smell coming out your ears from the dead matter between them.  You seem like an intelligent person.  Use the brains you were born with to examine the situation objectively, instead of trying to come up with trite phrases to attack people who you dont agree with whatever preconceived notions you might have.

Offline -tronski-

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #87 on: April 17, 2005, 01:22:59 AM »
All this over the Chinese govt. drumming up some anti-japanese sentiment...

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Offline NUKE

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #88 on: April 17, 2005, 01:30:44 AM »
Originally posted by -tronski-
All this over the Chinese govt. drumming up some anti-japanese sentiment...



The Chinese won't allow demonstrations, peacefull or otherwise unless they are controlling them.

Offline Staga

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Hard to believe that Japan is still officialy denying thier actions in WW2.
« Reply #89 on: April 17, 2005, 04:55:05 AM »
Prkele; siinä vaiheessa kun lopetit yhden ensimmäisistä postauksistasi sanoihin "vitun ääliöt" tuli aika selväksi että olet joko alaikäinen tai et ole muuten vaan oppinut elämäsi varrella kuinka vieraita puhutellaan.