Since the last patch we flat panel users have lost our native resolution selection on the video config screen we are forced to edit the video config to get our native 1280 X 1024.
I realise that 1280x960 is the "correct aspect" but noone told flat panel makers and they make us use a native 1280X1024 to make it look pretty !
Now I realise that for all the CRT users out there will think so what we flat panel users are stuck with a best resolution and as this game is more user friendly than IL2 et al can we have our resolution back in the next patch please.
Thank you for taking the time to read this
Athalon 64 3400+
Ati X800 pro
2 gig Ram
IIyama E435S 17" LCD 10ms response
All this makes for a very happy Adjuster