Author Topic: Anyone in DC?  (Read 1034 times)

Offline Sandman

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Anyone in DC?
« on: September 11, 2001, 02:15:00 PM »
I tell ya... it's a zoo here. I work for the office of the CNO. Were it not for the renovation of the Pentagon, we would be there. Instead, our offices are in Crystal City, just a couple of miles away.

We closed up shop at 1030... took me over two hours to go 8 miles.

As far as I know, we're workin' tomorrow.

I hope everyone here and in NYC is okay.

Offline Eagler

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Anyone in DC?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2001, 02:47:00 PM »
my one sister works two blocks from pentagon, she drove by the place 10 minutes b4 the plane hit. They closed up shop and went home. She is at my other sisters house in Vienna who had to get her kids from school. yes, it is a madhouse up there from what they tell me. Scared out of their minds...
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Intel Core i7-13700KF | GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS Elite AX | 64GB G.Skill DDR5 | 16GB GIGABYTE RTX 4070 Ti Super | 850 watt ps | pimax Crystal Light | Warthog stick | TM1600 throttle | VKB Mk.V Rudder

Offline Sandman

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Anyone in DC?
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2001, 02:54:00 PM »
At 1015, we were all sittin' in the office watchin' CNN when we all heard a boom. It was unanimous... "Time to go. I'm outta here."

As it turns out.. it was a garbage truck dropping an empty box next to the hotel.

Panic? I dunno... maybe a bit on edge.  :)

Offline AKSWulfe

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Anyone in DC?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2001, 03:03:00 PM »
I work in DC at the Federal Trade Commission, but fortunately today I wasn't working.

I was waking up right around the time the third plane ran into the Pentagon.

When I heard it on the radio, I only heard the words "plane overhead" and "explosion" and at first I thought it was a full-scale strike of somesort.

I learned seconds later what actually happened, and I'm still stunned several hours later.

It was brought up several times on 98Rock, DC101, Classic Rock 94.7 and HFS 99.1 that it was almost like that movie "The Siege" but with aircraft being using as the suicidal bomber.

A nation seperated from it's enemies by vast oceans, and here we are forced to sit in fear and mourning while they hand out candies in the streets.