Author Topic: AH Latest Version Observations.  (Read 760 times)

Offline TWA500

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AH Latest Version Observations.
« on: April 16, 2005, 06:06:56 PM »
Well this is an interesting patch, the graphics have all changed and the GV spawning makes it a bit more difficult to camp.

Some people (myself included) are having frame rate issues, As a GV'er I have noticed this especially when zooming in on a vehicle. The problem as I see is with the rendering of the tree groupings. You can't see what is really there until you are on top of it unless you move your detail slider up about half way. The consequences of this even for a guy like me with a fairly good machine is screen stutter while zoomed in.

The other issue that is a concequence of the new spawing scheme is spawning in water or in a tree. This is not really a big issue unless you do it in a Tiger. Then you lose your perk points, which by the way is another issue that needs to be changed.

You up a Tiger and kill several enemy GV's, then you yourself get killed. As a result of this you lose your perk points but don't gain the points for the kills. This is a math issue that needs to be fixed. Here is the correct formula Tiger =40 Perks, Kills = 5 perks, 40-5 = 35 perks net loss, not 40.

The last issue I want to touch on is landing a GV. To date you never really know if landing that Tiger will result in a loss of your perks or not. This is not good folks, here is how in my opinion it should be. If you are not within the area of a enemy base or town and you have not been hit by an enemy weapon for say 3 minutes then you should be able to land succesfully from anywhere.


The game is fun to play, HT has a good piece of software here, but there are going to be bugs. However there are things that can be done to make things more enjoyable and fair. The issues above need to be solved, you cannot expect everyone to go out and buy super computers to run AH.

Offline Heretik

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Re: AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2005, 06:27:33 PM »
Originally posted by TWA500
you cannot expect everyone to go out and buy super computers to run AH.

Why not? It worked for Doom 3.

Offline scspook

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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2005, 06:37:00 PM »
I dont expect to get held back by people who wont or cant upgrade when the rest of the world is benefiting from the computer gaming enhancements available either.

I think AH2 is a nice balance between the 2.  I'd go even further to say, that AH2 is held back in many ways as a result of HTC wishing to maintain its healthy and loyal player base.

I think kudo's should be given to these guys from people who face the upgrade problem, not grief. Imho, they've done enough to keep the lower computer owners happy to their own detriment.

I personnally believe AH2 should move to the next level and its customers should start saving to catch up.  Just my opinion.

Offline LTARokit

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Re: AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2005, 07:13:56 PM »
Originally posted by TWA500
issue I want to touch on is landing a GV. To date you never really know if landing that Tiger will result in a loss of your perks or not. This is not good folks, here is how in my opinion it should be. If you are not within the area of a enemy base or town

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I agree this is an issue.....on going at that.  There's been many of times I've been on my base, no nme in area, no damage, BUT because I'm parked on the grass, and not pavement, I'm told "You've Ditched".  Or even better, at a lone spawn point, with a Tiger, no nme, change my mind to go get different vehicle, haven't moved off spawn point, haven't even started my motor.........spawn back and because there was a single nme 109 flying over heard at 15 intrest in me......the 109 gets a proxy kill, or I've been captured, or I ditched.

Don't get me wrong, I snicker just like the next person when I get a proxy kill.....but generally it was someone who was trying to kill me.  I can even live with the second half of my statement.....but most GV'rs would like HT to address the ditching issue while on friendly bases.

Offline Darkish

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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2005, 07:37:13 PM »
On the flip side of this is what happens if you're attacking a field, knock out a tank's turret and he despawns with absolutely no penalty.

The way it's now, you spawn in, you fight.  I'd much rather this than the alternative.

Offline LTARokit

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« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2005, 08:34:14 PM »
Originally posted by Darkish
On the flip side of this is what happens if you're attacking a field, knock out a tank's turret and he despawns with absolutely no penalty.

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No, I agree with what your saying.  I'm more referring to when there is no threat, ya on your own turf & yet still get a ditch, or you've been killed by ?


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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2005, 08:48:18 PM »
Originally posted by scspook
I personnally believe AH2 should move to the next level and its customers should start saving to catch up.  Just my opinion.

thats what it did when it went from AHI to II and from what I can see is just now getting back a large chunk of the customers it lost from that move.

You cant go too far too fast or you end up loosing too much of your customer base.
And I'd be willing to bet theere are alot more folks here with lower to midrange machines then todays current hotrods.
From a buisness standpoint it they would probably stand less of a financial hit to loose the folks with high end machines then those with low end ones.

I commend HTC in the way they have tried to make it possible for the widest range of machines possible to play.

They try to do their customers right. All their customers.
and the check I write out every month that pays for this is the only one I dont mind writing.
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Offline LTARokit

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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2005, 10:08:30 PM »
Originally posted by DREDIOCK

I commend HTC in the way they have tried to make it possible for the widest range of machines possible to play.

They try to do their customers right. All their customers.
and the check I write out every month that pays for this is the only one I dont mind writing. [/B]

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Here Here.  Ya can't please everyone all the time, but Damn - hats off to yas for trying to.

<> HT

Offline TWA500

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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2005, 10:11:38 PM »
Dont get me wrong guys, I too think that HTC is doing a good job with the game. And I dont mind upgrading my PC every so often, however I just built a nice and powerfull gaming machine and it suffers a bit, not allot but noticeable.

Shortly after my original post here I tried something else, I turned my Anti Aliasing to application preference instead of always on, this seemed to stabilize the graphics allot in this version.

I do not advocate a GV escaping death by landing when under fire, whether at a base or otherwise, but as it stands the rules for landing are not clearly defined when away from the home base. Some sort of way needs to be implemented that is clear and fair.


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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2005, 10:27:40 PM »
I might be wrong, but I always thought you would get a successful landing in a GV if no enemy where with in 6k of you. Is this not the case anymore? I don't do that much GVing, so I may be wrong, but seems i used to get successful landings anywhere I was at as long as no one was around me.
  Retired from AH

Offline LTARokit

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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2005, 04:23:45 AM »
Originally posted by SFCHONDO
I might be wrong, but I always thought you would get a successful landing in a GV if no enemy where with in 6k of you.
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Used to be that way, presently if you try to land, while on your own base, and not on pavement, you'll get a "you've ditched", whether nme is present or not.

Offline Kirin

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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2005, 05:28:15 AM »
Most of the time poor gaming performance is a result of poor system setup/maintanance. Be sure to have the newest drivers for your hardware (including MB/Chipset).

As for game-settings:
 - turn off Anisotropic Filtering (does not good in AH and eats up performance)
 - use AA at your discretion (up to your GPU)
 - leave the detail sliders at default position


AMD Athlon64 3800+
Corsair TwinX RAM 1024MB
SB Audigy 2

True, I got a high end rig here (about 6 months old, so maybe mainstream by now). But with said setup I had absolutely NO performance drop from v2.02 to v2.03!

The new trees have no influence on my framerate but are awesome for low level fighting!!!

The only performance issue I have is with water. On the island maps I really get a hit when looking at it. Other than that I am capping out at 60FPS!


Concerning the needed upgrade. I think the sim crowd is special. They always had the most-expensive gear. A joystick for 500USD??? Tell that to a casual gamer. Or the various home-built cockpits. I think someone who has online-sims as a hobby should have enough resources to upgrade in 2 years. AH was not built on the low end crowd. When it hit beta it was more demanding than the current sims. The graphical developement is astonishing and I wouldn't want to see it slowed down.

Besides I haven't marked a signifcant loss of customers in AH2. And if they left not for technical but for other reasons like burn-out, RL issues etc.

I say push it to the top and beyond! AH2 has still some ground to catch up on the boxed sims!
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Offline aztec

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Re: Re: AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2005, 06:29:57 AM »
Originally posted by Heretik
Why not? It worked for Doom 3.

I just did a $700.00 upgrade, my friend just did an $1,100.00 upgrade to continue keeping up with AH. With this release AH is once again unplayable for us. I am sorry that I'm unable to build a new system with every release or patch.

Offline Siaf__csf

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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2005, 07:19:44 AM »
Uh for $1100 you get practically the latest hardware that will run any game for years to come if correctly configured.

For $700 situation is the same unless you upgrade everything.

What exactly did you upgrade if you got so poor results?

Offline Suave

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AH Latest Version Observations.
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2005, 07:20:29 AM »
That's odd.

AMD 2600 here 1.9 Ghz
radeon 9600 128mb

Res 1024x768
Max Texture size 1024
Preload all in memory checked
Horizon checked
transitions checked
Terrain Mip mapping checked
Level of Detail 50%
Displayed object size 80%
ground detail range 60%

Unless I turn on animated water my fps stays at 44, I have max fps set for 45. Is there any reason not to have it set at 45?

When I turn on animated water my fps drops into the twenties. So I hapily leave it off.

So for me, luckily, everything is quite good, the same as it was before the patch.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2005, 07:30:52 AM by Suave »