Author Topic: Two questions....  (Read 239 times)

Offline Guppy35

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Two questions....
« on: May 02, 2005, 02:11:05 PM »
1.If there were no perked planes, would you change your main ride?

Personally I wouldn't as I'm a 38G dweeb through and through.

2.  When you encounter a perked bird in the air, do you try to avoid it, or work hard to beat it, or as in my case prolong your death as long as possible?

I kinda like the challenge of making them miss.  I remember getting bounced by 3 Me262s while I was on the deck alone in my 38G and the fun I had making them miss until all three went away and I went home.  And I'm lousy at the game.  Imagine what the good sticks would have done.

I guess the reason I'm asking, is I just don't get what the fuss is about.  If the planes are modeled, let folks fly em.  I just don't believe it would become an arena of all 262s or Tempests.  Too many folks look for the challenge, not the easiest way out, and a newbie in a 262 is more of a danger to himself then anyone else in my opinion.

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Offline killnu

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Two questions....
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2005, 02:14:25 PM »
I think all planes(expcept a few ie spit1, hurri1, 109e, p40B, a6m2, think ya get the point)  should be perked to some degree.  from 1 to 200, or something like that. :aok
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Offline megadud

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Re: Two questions....
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2005, 02:16:20 PM »
Originally posted by Guppy35
1.If there were no perked planes, would you change your main ride?

Personally I wouldn't as I'm a 38G dweeb through and through.

2.  When you encounter a perked bird in the air, do you try to avoid it, or work hard to beat it, or as in my case prolong your death as long as possible?

I kinda like the challenge of making them miss.  I remember getting bounced by 3 Me262s while I was on the deck alone in my 38G and the fun I had making them miss until all three went away and I went home.  And I'm lousy at the game.  Imagine what the good sticks would have done.

I guess the reason I'm asking, is I just don't get what the fuss is about.  If the planes are modeled, let folks fly em.  I just don't believe it would become an arena of all 262s or Tempests.  Too many folks look for the challenge, not the easiest way out, and a newbie in a 262 is more of a danger to himself then anyone else in my opinion.


no always spitty

i try to kill it untill i remember i suck then i try to prolong my death...if i see a chance i don't run i "extend" and then they catch up because im in the spitty, ands then i die.


Offline Cobra412

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Two questions....
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2005, 02:18:26 PM »
Guppy when the main went down awhile back everyone was in the backup arena in perk rides. It wasn't even worth going in there. In one area I counted something like 15 Spit XIVs and 10 262s. That was just on the Rook side. When the bad guys came you could have doubled that and added a few more perk rides to boot.

I would have thought all the new folks would be jumping at the chance to fly perk planes. Instead what I found was that the majority of perk pilots were well known folks throughout the MA. If they were to get rid of perks completely and the MA turned into what the backup does when it's the primary server I'd find another game. You'd find nothing but a ton of perk rides everywhere.

Offline Tarmac

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Two questions....
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2005, 02:53:42 PM »
I'd fly 152's more often, not because they're uber or I'd live longer, but because they're 190's and I like 190's.  

The only advantage of getting rid of perk planes would be to eliminate the stigma of having the "kill me" perk tag.  

Like others, I'd like to see the baseline perk ride be anything after 1943.

Offline Shane

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Two questions....
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2005, 03:03:50 PM »
i think the best thing woul dbe to perk all the early war stuff...

then flying one would be a true measure of one's ah-noodle instead of the current ready-made excuse they are.

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