The western world is enganged in the war on terror. big win
Being a terrorist is a much more difficult job and the mechanisims to defeat them in the western world are greatly evolved. big win
And understanding of the major groups of international terrorists is greatly enhanced. big win
Many more terrorists are being created then were 5 years ago. big loss
The definition of who is a terrorist are more clouded then ever. big loss
Even not considering Iraq the number of terrorist attacks in the world is up. big loss.
But they dont seem to be able to deliver horrific destruction of 911 levels. big win
Our sociaties have curtailed and restricted the rights of all of us to help engage terrorists. not win or loss in my mind, its war.
The power of alquida has been greatly diminished in scope but greatly broadend in reach. Dilluted and diffused. I think from where I sit in my office in canada that is a win. But time may prove me wrong.
The war is not won. But it is engaged for real even with the distraction of Iraq.
That puts us in way better shape but far from the end game. Without a world police state its hard to see how it could be won absolutly.