Author Topic: Is this the new style of the score potatos?  (Read 3387 times)

Offline Max

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2005, 10:22:45 AM »
Originally posted by BBQ_Bob
Brisket, now you are speaking my language. So do you use a rub for your meat (wait that did not sound right) errr ribs I mean? Or just sauté them overnight?
Ever hear of Famous Dave, I like to use his BBQ Sauce cause I have not  perfected a sauce of my own as of yet.

Sauteed Ribs? Horrido!!!

I use a fairly standard BBQ Rub of my own concoction, let 'em sit overnight. Depending how lazy I feel I'll either smoke em in my Brinkman offset, or the Cookshack "set-it-and-forget" electric smoker. I like to finish them on a charcoal grill for a few minutes...crisps em up a bit. Then, and only then I'll paintem with sauce, wrap em in foil and let em soak up the goodness. Then too, some folks prefer to sauce their own so I'll leave a rack plain and let the rub and smoke speak for itself.


Offline Max

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2005, 10:24:41 AM »
Originally posted by Silat
Max means he likes to eat:) Hes looking for an invite Bob...

Yes I am :)


Offline Morpheus

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #47 on: May 01, 2005, 12:15:13 PM »
LOL Dipster you need help. :lol
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Offline Krusty

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #48 on: May 01, 2005, 02:20:23 PM »
Originally posted by Naytch
But he also sez if he's outnumbered he bails.

Yeah, okay. I agree there too. From the original post, however, I got the impression that he was talking about bailing instead of riding it in. Hell if you're out numbered just fight the bastards, and THEN if you get shot to pieces bail. Take a few down ta hell with ya!

Offline betty

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #49 on: May 01, 2005, 02:26:23 PM »
dipstick. that's pretty
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Offline x0847Marine

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Re: Re: Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #50 on: May 01, 2005, 03:51:35 PM »
Originally posted by navajoboy
xMarines Stats:
KIlls       266
Assist    80
Sorties  331
Land      96
Bail        34
Ditch      26
Capture 22

So maybe that suggestion was invalid? I see 34 bails and 148 deaths. Either way i consider this thread dead and lets move on to more important arguments.

navajo24 :aok :aok :aok

I shot down Morph in a 1v1 after several turnes, so he sic'd his girlfriend on me.

"score potatos", "HO'ers", "dweebs", "tards", "gangers".... you guys are funny. This is a "combat sim", key word for those who have never been there; "combat".. which is why the "founding fathers" who created the game reward survival.

So if HT designed the game to reward survival, it's pretty clear that the few gamers who tell canards of how they were HOd or ganged are just whining about being killed because they clearly disagree with the vision of the game.

One guy who read the last thread got it. I was bored and on a campaign of squealing with people while seeing what the score / rank system was all about... it's real simple to manipulate your rank as I discovered.

These days I'm shooting down people a lot more often, it's getting a little boring though. I just don't find that as fun as suckering 3 or 4 guys into chasing me 2 sectors... and you are all on my computer screen for the sole purpose of my entertainment.

Anyway, this too is dull.. maybe if 1 of you came up with a valid reason why surviving is uncool, I'd take you seriously.

Offline Morpheus

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #51 on: May 01, 2005, 04:06:24 PM »
I shot down Morph in a 1v1 after several turnes, so he sic'd his girlfriend on me.

Before I post this film.

Are you sure it was a "1 v 1"?
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Offline wetrat

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #52 on: May 01, 2005, 04:12:11 PM »
266 kills in 331 sorties? Wow, he's like.. the worst score potato EVER.
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Offline Kermit de frog

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #53 on: May 01, 2005, 04:20:03 PM »
Originally posted by wetrat
266 kills in 331 sorties? Wow, he's like.. the worst score potato EVER.

Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline jasper001

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Bail = death
« Reply #54 on: May 01, 2005, 05:10:57 PM »
Originally posted by stantond
I thought bailing out counts as a death.  Did that change or have I always been missing something?  

I believe you are right. I was looking at my stats the other day. I sure got a death for every time I bailed.

Here is the formula from the help file...

Kills per Death = TotalKills / ((Discos * 0.5) + Bails + Captures + Deaths + 1)

So a Ditch in friendly territory is also NOT a death, but just about everything else (except a successful landing) counts agains you.

Bailing out may get you a slightly higher percentage of perk points. I didn't get excited enough to go look that up!

Offline Cobra412

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #55 on: May 02, 2005, 02:14:56 AM »
Flew against XMarine a few times the other night. He started saying it was BS when I out flew his N1K with a D Mustang. He even started out with the alt advantage. He stayed in the sector for awhile HOing everything in sight. Then he came back in again and as I was coming towards him he bailed. I was just inside of 6k when his icon went blank and the aircraft started it's death dive.

He will bail on you any chance he can get if he knows he can't win.

Offline save

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #56 on: May 02, 2005, 03:53:38 AM »
chute killing comments ?
My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline Edbert1

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Re: Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #57 on: May 02, 2005, 09:22:40 AM »
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
So sad, so very sad.

It's just as pathetic as the old practice of shooting your hangers to increase your hit%.  I guess twits will always look for a way to game the game. *shakes head*

Hey ackack, you coming to the con this year even though CH wont be paying like they did in 98?

To your point though...
This guy (who I wont name in order to not make this personal) is definitely sad, but I think you give him too much credit by comparing his gameplay to that of shotting hangars, or even gaming the game. He has admitted on numerous occaisions in numerous threads that his goal in playing in to make people mad. Nothing wrong with making someone mad by owning them in a fight, or even running away from their spit with a Dora. His goal, according to his own words, is to find people for the sole purpose of pi$$ing them off.

Maybe it is just me, but that makes him much worse than simply "sad" or "gamey".

Offline pellik

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #58 on: May 02, 2005, 10:28:31 AM »
I've had him bail out after landing a few hits on him. I don't see how it's supposed to make me mad if he wants to give me a free kill without costing me as much ammo. It's lame, I agree, but that's not gonna piss me off.

As for the bailing at 6k out of fear, that's just funny. If he was 6k out why didn't he just turn away? I'm sure he could have found some base ack or friendlys before he got caught, which is generally more effective at making people mad.


Offline BBQ_Bob

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Is this the new style of the score potatos?
« Reply #59 on: May 02, 2005, 11:12:14 AM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
Flew against XMarine a few times the other night. He started saying it was BS when I out flew his N1K with a D Mustang. He even started out with the alt advantage. He stayed in the sector for awhile HOing everything in sight. Then he came back in again and as I was coming towards him he bailed. I was just inside of 6k when his icon went blank and the aircraft started it's death dive.

He will bail on you any chance he can get if he knows he can't win.

I doubt that this ever took place. 6K out, right.
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