Originally posted by Eagler
want what?
numbers and fun to return to the CT? Yes
sorry cant control the settings in the DA and H2H has ppl numb limits - the CT is the only place we can currently get this up quickly
heck, we are only talking about a week here - it should be a no brainer - what do we have to lose, the half dozen CTer's that now fly in the room?
If you want a non historical setup. All that is, is the MA mixed with the DA. The CT
trys to be historical and its fun for most who fly it. That kinda of setup has nothing to do with historical nor does it belong in the CT. What the CT need is more maps and mostly more positive things said about it in the game and on this board. If you run that setup and get new people in the CT they will be comeing for all the wrong reasons. Lets say the CMs do run it and more people show up. What happens the next setup? If they
just come because of this setup then the next week we'll be at the same place we are now, but it would be how can we get those people back instead of how can we get people.