Author Topic: reaction to a tax cut  (Read 2704 times)

Offline CJ

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reaction to a tax cut
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2001, 10:40:00 PM »
I just find it funny that someone can argue on here that he is poor, and so agrees with the government handing out of other people's hard earned cash to those that don't work.  If that person is really poor, then how can they afford a computer, ineternet connection, the time it takes to play Aces High, and the time it takes to argue with people about how wrong it is to have the freedom to do what you want with your money provided that it doesn't hurt someone else?  For someone to have the time and money to play Aces High, and complain about being poor on the Aces High discussion board, AND liken themselves to the millions of welfare cases that contribute nothing to the country (in any economic sense) seems ridiculous.   How does that justifty the government stealing people's money and giving it to people who didn't earn it?

I'm not rich.  I hardly have enough to get through school, but i work pretty hard and do the best with what I can.  Yes, I could be working instead of playing Aces High, but I choose not to.  It's not the government's fault, or G.W.B's fault, or anyone's but my own.  If I wanted to be rich I sure wouldn't be studying aviation, but I'll be damned if I think it's right for someone to tell me who I should give my money to, or my parents, or my rich boss.  The government isn't going to legislate charity, they'll just encourage a black market that avoids the unfair taxes... it's happened in other countries...