Golly-geenit it's lonely being me in here
Where's 'ol F4 when ya need a good diversionary side-stepping opportunity?
Whelp.... I'll do my best - and that's a promise. If elected, I will fight for you... er I mean *against* you! I will keep the big drug companies in... doh(!) I mean *you* in check.
Let me relate a story to you. I was in Madison Wisconsin the other day. There I met the most amazing woman, her name Maggie Williams. She was on a fixed income, with 3 small children, ages 7,6 and 4, respectively. She stood a frail five foot three, approximately 110 pounds. Irrelevant information, granted... but bear with me here. Because I think this is important. I really do. I think this gets to the heart, the *resiliency* if you will, of the American spirit.
Maggie... Well, I call her Mags... Now Mags, just for kicks, took up knitting. There was a problem, however. She had chronic, acute, really really painful (oh my god it hurts!) arthritis. She had to make a choice.
Would she pay for the expensive big evil drug company medication to relieve her, or put food on the table for her three small children? To make an absurd story short, she chose the medication. Well, it fills me with joy to tell you tonight that Mags went on to win the vaunted State Championship of Knitting.
She then went home that night and warmed up some milk, threw a bag of Orville Redenbackers popcorn in the microwave, sat down in her Lazy-boy, clapped twice to turn on the TV (magic!)just in time to see the reports of yet another electrocution in Texas.
Life is good.