Author Topic: Gore wants "Every vote counted"...or does he?  (Read 1671 times)

Offline Kieren

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Gore wants "Every vote counted"...or does he?
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2000, 08:41:00 PM »
For example, you say that Miami/Dade didn't feel the sample they took warranted a recount. In fact it's the opposite. They extrapolated a significant Gore gain by that sample, and chose to start the hand recount in earnest.

Not true. They took a sample the first time around and said "No need for a recount." Bill Daley paid a visit and threatened a lawsuit, and they relented. They went into the heavily Democratic precincts and found 157 votes for Gore, then decided to count further would probably end up losing votes for Gore. They then decided to switch to the undervote, hoping to gain more votes this way. This riled the crowd, the canvass board decided to try to pull the stunt in secret upstairs (very poor judgement IMHO) and the crowd went nuts. The Cuban population began to threaten discrimination lawsuits, (ironic, Democrats being sued for discrimination), and the canvass board realized they were in a no-win situation. They were now spending lots of money on a cause that was going to lose votes for their party. They were facing a lawsuit if they persisted. Nothing good would come out of it, no matter what they did.

Now to hear the Democrats cite "violent riots" are so, so absurd. Do you remember Watts? L.A.? I do. How many Republicans were arrested in these "violent riots" in Miami/Dade? None?

Now you have a Democratic senator stating the Republicans were afraid of the African American vote in Miami/Dade, so they rioted to stop them from being counted, when the fact is, the African American vote is precisely the vote that was counted. This comment was racist, inaccurate, and intended to incite unrest. Totally uncalled for.

Offline Dnil

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Gore wants "Every vote counted"...or does he?
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2000, 09:28:00 PM »
about this recount the whole state crap.  Since when does the winner ask for a recount?  

I WON....I DEMAND A RECOUNT!  that defies logic.

Dnil---Skyhawk until I get Dnil back :)
Maj. 900th Bloody Jaguars
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Offline Toad

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Gore wants "Every vote counted"...or does he?
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2000, 09:40:00 PM »
Most of you will be suprised at this I expect, but had I not voted Bush (due to the Supreme issue) I think I'd have gone for Nader. (Not that Nader's any real leader either.)

My twisted little mass of neurons is basically "Green". I love the outdoors; I detest cities. I know Nader would never win, but I certainly wouldn't have minded seeing the Greens get 5% so they get the free funding next time around.

Before the howls over the conflict between Republicans and "green ideology" starts (and I don't think there's a nickle's worth of difference between Reps and Dems in this regard. They're all for sale. Who was it who said "It's not hard to buy a Congressman but it's hard to buy one that will stay bought!") I think the "Supreme" issue is more important than the "Green" issue.

The Supreme Court issue is going to have immediate impact in the near term future. We still have a little time to work on the "green". Indeed, it is and always will be a never-ending battle.

Pretty twisted, aren't I?  

I kind of miss F4...I got such a chuckle out of him trying to make me into a staunch Republican. Always made my day!
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Fatty

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Gore wants "Every vote counted"...or does he?
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2000, 09:49:00 PM »
When asked to explain how a machine would know which votes were African American so it could know which to reject, Rev. Jackson declined further comment.

The Jackson jab aside (could not resist after seeing him mobilized on today), if you cared about each person's vote, you'd have asked for a total recount for the start (even just state).  Remember, this has nothing to do with Bush, Al is the one that cares about everyone's vote.  Anything less is a transparant lie attempting to cover your true intentions, which are to find enough votes to change the result of the election.  This does not bother me half as much as the spin placed upon it as caring about 'you' when those facist (that word was used this week) republicans don't.  There are counties in Florida where the rejected percentage is higher than the 2% or so in Dade (overseas for instance, where the rejected percentage approaches half of the recieved amounts).

Offline Nash

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Gore wants "Every vote counted"...or does he?
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2000, 02:45:00 AM »
Golly-geenit it's lonely being me in here  

Where's 'ol F4 when ya need a good diversionary side-stepping opportunity?

Whelp.... I'll do my best - and that's a promise. If elected, I will fight for you... er I mean *against* you! I will keep the big drug companies in... doh(!) I mean *you* in check.

Let me relate a story to you. I was in Madison Wisconsin the other day. There I met the most amazing woman, her name Maggie Williams. She was on a fixed income, with 3 small children, ages 7,6 and 4, respectively. She stood a frail five foot three, approximately 110 pounds. Irrelevant information, granted... but bear with me here. Because I think this is important. I really do. I think this gets to the heart, the *resiliency* if you will, of the American spirit.

Maggie... Well, I call her Mags... Now  Mags, just for kicks, took up knitting. There was a problem, however. She had chronic, acute, really really painful (oh my god it hurts!) arthritis. She had to make a choice.

Would she pay for the expensive big evil drug company medication to relieve her, or put food on the table for her three small children? To make an absurd story short, she chose the medication. Well, it fills me with joy to tell you tonight that Mags went on to win the vaunted State Championship of Knitting.

She then went home that night and warmed up some milk, threw a bag of Orville Redenbackers popcorn in the microwave, sat down in her Lazy-boy, clapped twice to turn on the TV (magic!)just in time to see the reports of yet another electrocution in Texas.

Life is good.

Offline Kieren

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Gore wants "Every vote counted"...or does he?
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2000, 06:11:00 AM »

You know the difference between a Republican and a Democrat?

Republicans give people a chance to screw their lives up before they kill them.

Offline Dnil

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Gore wants "Every vote counted"...or does he?
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2000, 09:38:00 AM »
no lightning riding in Texas.  They get the sleepy juice.

Dnil---Skyhawk until I get Dnil back :)
Maj. 900th Bloody Jaguars
Part time aircraft restorer.