Author Topic: Definately has potential.  (Read 1652 times)

Offline Fatty

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Definately has potential.
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2001, 12:17:00 PM »
Despite running 1600x1200x32bit, there is a distinct lack of clarity to the cockpit instrumentation, and I really missed 3d cockpits.  The engine whining as you increase speed as if RPMs have changed bugs me a lot, and those tracers look the size of basketballs coming out.  No head movement ability.

I'll try again a bit later in beta.

Offline 1776

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Definately has potential.
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2001, 12:52:00 PM »
I came from AW to AH and have looked at WB offline.  All the hype about WBIII over the past year or so had me waiting with a worm on my tounge(baited breath).

hmmmmm, it doesn't live up to the hype.  I think I need more then 128 memory as you change views and it takes time to load. Pherhaps later when they have a chance to tweak it..........

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2001, 05:17:00 PM »
WB3 is:
A new virtual environment.  Water, earth and sky and a pretty demanding engine.  You need top notch gear to run it well.  The water is very wierd (looks like two 3D layers one on top of the other, running at 45 degrees from each other) and deceptive regarding distance from it.  More what Id expect to see in mechwarrior but still looks cool.  Clouds are of the whispy, ice thin type (havent seen thick billowing clouds yet) and look very nice.  I always thought if AH had the whispy thin clouds with what i already has it would be supreme.  Terrain looks good.

It has capabilities built into it to allow community mods.

Still, FMs and special effects are old and need to be replaced with new designs.

A big question for me is how well does it run on a server and is iEN going to charge hourly for it.

Right now I can barely run it and the terrain engine paints blocks of cockpit and wings all over when I switch views (which paint painfully slow).  Its a no go for me online until I spend several hundred dollars for an upgrade no time soon.

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns


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Definately has potential.
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2001, 08:28:00 PM »
"varies a lot between the different models compare the complex undercarriage of the F4F3 with the simple sticks of the Hurricane."

alt-E and watch the gear swing on those simple sticks.  

Offline scout

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« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2001, 07:18:00 AM »

Correcting history.

HT left IEN long before the move to North Carolina (maybe 6 months before).

When the move to NC was announced, thats then Killer and all the remaining ICI originals left to form Playnet (ca April 1999).

Originally posted by miko2d:
Then they decided to move the company office to another state. They most likely thought that the original creators should drop everything and move with them to NC. This way  they lost the original crew who moved on to make a new game AH - everything that WB3 was promised to be and more, with fraction of resources in a record time.
  Everything that HTC crew did in AH, they could have done even sooner and better if they were not forced out from iEN (IMOL) and had support for their vision.

 iEN managed to get another decent crew - Mo and the rest and lost that one also, just when they got familiar with the code left by previous guys. Those guys quit and went to make WW2OL. I am not optimistic about the success of their project because of the scope and intended audience, but those guys sure can program a game.

 <S> miko