Originally posted by Kruger
Thanks for the advice!
I checked the BIOS after a shutdown. It said the CPU temperature was 85 °C. That's bad, right? I'm still wondering why this problem has appeared all of a sudden, since the cooling fan is still spinning in there. Or is it maybe spinning at a slower rate than before (According to the BIOS it is spinning at about 1600 rpm)? What should I do next?
You may need to clean your heatsink, and put thermal transfer paste on it. Or your fan may be spinning but not spinning as it should. In fact, at 1600 RPM, your fan is WAY slow. THERE is your problem.
I suggest you get a new fan, and if you want, to prevent this in the future, invest in the best fan and heatsink you can afford. I use a Thermaltake heatsink and a Vantec fan. My CPU never exceeds 45C, under extreme load, in hot weather.
Every so often, you need to remove the heatsink from the CPU and clean it thoroughly. Then use a good quality thermal transfer paste (I use Arctic Silver Ceramique, available at good computer shops or from NewEgg or Excaliber PC) as required, then reinstall the heatsink to the CPU.
The above should completely solve your problems, UNLESS you have damaged your CPU, or you have something else that is driving your temperature up, like excessive voltage. But with a fan speed of 1600 RPM, I think the fan is the problem.