Author Topic: We need more trainers  (Read 557 times)

Offline SkyChief

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We need more trainers
« on: June 05, 2005, 04:55:58 PM »
We need more admins and trainers in the DA and MA. We need someone to with the power to enforce the rules on server.

 This is more needed on the DA than the MA, where people can shoot anyone regardless of teams. With no one to make sure people arn't stopping other peoples fun, it can lead to everyone in the server not enjoying themselves.

 If HTC could give certain trusted people admin ablities, we could keep our game fun and enjoyable.:D

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: We need more trainers
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2005, 05:01:36 PM »
Originally posted by SkyChief
We need more admins and trainers in the DA and MA. We need someone to with the power to enforce the rules on server.

 This is more needed on the DA than the MA, where people can shoot anyone regardless of teams. With no one to make sure people arn't stopping other peoples fun, it can lead to everyone in the server not enjoying themselves.

 If HTC could give certain trusted people admin ablities, we could keep our game fun and enjoyable.:D

Why so you can vulch people at will, and then whine when you get shot down?  By the way, I think you are confused on what you want to say.  You may want to "Re-read it, edit it and then see if your confusion may be eliminated".    

I have an unsent film while practicing jabo of you and a few others whining.  I suggest you either delete this post or "come out and say it".  

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Offline Widewing

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Re: We need more trainers
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2005, 06:55:56 PM »
Originally posted by SkyChief
We need more admins and trainers in the DA and MA. We need someone to with the power to enforce the rules on server.

 This is more needed on the DA than the MA, where people can shoot anyone regardless of teams. With no one to make sure people arn't stopping other peoples fun, it can lead to everyone in the server not enjoying themselves.

 If HTC could give certain trusted people admin ablities, we could keep our game fun and enjoyable.:D

Trainers work the TA. Bad behavior is not tolerated in the TA. When a trainer is online, there will be no out of control behavior. Repeated violations can result in ejection for one hour. 95% of the time a warning is sufficient. No need to be heavy handed... Punishment should suit the crime.

Most Trainers have a very low threshold for bad-mouthing of other players... You wanna talk "smack"? Go to the MA. In the TA, it'll get you bounced.

I like Ghosth's suggestion that DA regulars who have demonstrated maturity should be offered the position of Arena Monitor, with a full set of CM tools (including the power to eject or mute). Then, things will settle down, at least when one of these people is online. A few ejections will make an impression on the out of control players. Off the top of my head, I think Phish would be an ideal candidate. I know him well enough to state that he is of the proper temperment for that position. He'll be fair, but firm.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Elyeh

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We need more trainers
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2005, 11:55:55 PM »
I second the nomination of phish.


Also adding a MOTD or ROE to the areana (As you log into the DA)
would stop alot of the problems before they start.

Many incidents are just from lack of knowing the ROE by new members. Many new members are just afraid to ask or maybe think they will seem foolish if they ask questions.

A posted ROE on the clip board will give them the jist of what to do.

Offline Ghosth

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We need more trainers
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2005, 07:27:50 AM »
Thanks widewing!

I guess I  feel the same way about Bighorn as you do about phish.

He's spent enough time in the TA that he could be a trainer. In fact i've  offered him the job in the past but he says he doesn't have the patience for it.

Once we have a core group of DA moderators, let them get together and choose a leader/liason with HTC.

Offline Paul

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We need more trainers
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2005, 09:27:44 AM »
Phish would be a great candidate and I suppport him if this thing happens to go down.


Offline JB73

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We need more trainers
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2005, 10:03:03 AM »
i think i know enought about the game to train people on the gameplay and function aspect in every respect, i even have a training reference i have created (for new members to the JB squad).

i would put my name in the hat for training in the TA, but i dont have the time to commit, and feel i would not be able to live up the expected dedication.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline SkyChief

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We need more trainers
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2005, 10:35:14 AM »
Masherbrum, as soon as someone starts to break the rules, like shooting at me without check 6. I usually like to get revenge by killing them on the runway once. But i think if we had admins no one would break the rules and then i wouldnt get involved. I know i am in the wrong about vulching for revenge but they keep doing it anyway so i might aswell fight back, but i see why what i do is wrong.

I think all the stuff we've had in the past 2 weeks on the DA could be sorted by 1 or 2 admins.

Offline Kegger26

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Re: Re: We need more trainers
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2005, 10:46:04 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Why so you can vulch people at will, and then whine when you get shot down?  By the way, I think you are confused on what you want to say.  You may want to "Re-read it, edit it and then see if your confusion may be eliminated".    

I have an unsent film while practicing jabo of you and a few others whining.  I suggest you either delete this post or "come out and say it".  


 Ohh hell Karaya, AKA Masherbrum, AKA the hippy is giving out altimatums again. Get over yourself man. I have had about all of your drivle I can stand for one life time. It is time to grow up and figure out this is a game and the BBS. You cant force rules and regs on guys in here. Just like you cant in game. Find your way back to your PETA board were you belong.

Offline LtPillur

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« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2005, 11:22:45 AM »
Originally posted by SkyChief
Masherbrum, as soon as someone starts to break the rules, like shooting at me without check 6. I usually like to get revenge by killing them on the runway once. But i think if we had admins no one would break the rules and then i wouldnt get involved. I know i am in the wrong about vulching for revenge but they keep doing it anyway so i might aswell fight back, but i see why what i do is wrong.

I think all the stuff we've had in the past 2 weeks on the DA could be sorted by 1 or 2 admins.

So if mommy watches you play nice? When no one is looking you don't play by the rules? You should look at your own behaviour and sort that one out first Becuase vulchinf for revenge is no better than what you're complaining about. If you see what you do is wrong then don't do it.

Offline SuperDud

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We need more trainers
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2005, 12:56:22 PM »
Originally posted by Ghosth
Thanks widewing!

I guess I  feel the same way about Bighorn as you do about phish.

LOL, yeah they're both pretty good guys;)

Originally posted by Ghosth
He's spent enough time in the TA that he could be a trainer. In fact i've  offered him the job in the past but he says he doesn't have the patience for it.

Once we have a core group of DA moderators, let them get together and choose a leader/liason with HTC.

phish makes a great trainer!!! I would just be worried about his skill level. I ain't got the heart to tell him he needs more practice:D :p But seriously, I agree he has the proper attitude for it and wouldn't abuse it.
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Offline Paul

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« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2005, 09:58:19 PM »
I would just be worried about his skill level. I ain't got the heart to tell him he needs more practice


Especially with those "P-"lanes...

:D *Winks*