Eskimo, I believe, instituted the custom of reviewing CT setups at the end thereof. We've let that tradition lapse for quite awhile. On the assumption that criticism can lead to positive changes, and this being the last day of the Dunkirk setup, I thought it would be a good idea to try to reinstitute the practice.
The main lesson I got out of this was that the arena will draw more furballers than simulationists. The numbers immediately went up when we implemented Eskimo's and Eagler's suggestion to enable RAF planes at Dunkirk. Future attention to close base proximity is assured (in my case, at least).
I was a little disappointed that the 1940 plane set doesn't appeal to more people, but I guess that's a lesson to draw as well.
Interestingly, I saw comparatively few of the current CT regulars. Many new faces, a surprising number of the "old" regulars. Why is that?
What else?
- oldman