On the flip side, there are a lot of attorneys making easy money contesting eminent domain claims, acting for the citizen. In fact, eminent domain cases caused the estimated cost of new roads to increase to the point that voters started to get miffed with the delays and cost overruns. The causes? Eminent domain cases tied up in courts by citizens' attorneys generating easy money by filing motions to delay judgments, then billing the DOT for their time spent arguing against the DOT.
With the cases tied up in court, the DOT couldn't move forward with construction. Commuters were getting pissed with sitting in traffic with "Road Construction" signs all over the place.
Naturally, somebody started a movement to cap the fees paid out on eminent domain cases in an attempt to reduce the cost of doing government business - "its a waste of taxpayers money!" - but it was trounced in the political circles. Reason: most politicians are lawyers; lawyers who made money fighting eminent domain on behalf of citizens - "I fought for citizens rights when the government tried to take their land! Vote for me!"