Author Topic: Acronym  (Read 575 times)


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« on: June 08, 2000, 04:40:00 AM »
Virgin             Very Interesting Ride: Going Into Nymphos

BWIA                Baggage Wandering In Africa
              Better Walk If you're Able
              Born to Wait In Airports
              But Will I Arrive?

Finnair              Flies Ideally?  Nah, Not Airbourne In Reality

Lufthansa           Let Us Fiddle The Hostess And Not Say Anything
              Let Us diddly The Hostess As No Steward's Available

"Nemo me impune lacessit"
GC III/2 "Alsace"

[This message has been edited by nonoht (edited 06-08-2000).]

[This message has been edited by nonoht (edited 06-08-2000).]

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2000, 08:05:00 AM »
hehehe, used to know the Sabena one,but of course, I forgot  
Dirty, nasty furriner.


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« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2000, 08:13:00 AM »
Sabena      Such A Bad Experience - Never Again   


[This message has been edited by nonoht (edited 06-08-2000).]


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« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2000, 08:15:00 AM »
Jokes this times :Barbara Walters was doing a documentary on the customs of
American Indians. After a tour of the reservation they were on,
she asked why the difference in the number of feathers in the

She asked a brave who had only one feather in his headdress.
His reply was, "Me have only one squaw, me have only one

She asked another brave, feeling the first fellow was only
joking. This brave had four feathers in his headdress. He
replied, "UGH, Me have four feathers because me sleep with
four squaws."

Still not convinced that the number of feathers indicated the
number of squaws involved, she decided to interview the
chief. Now the chief headdress was full of feathers which,
needless to say, amused Ms. Walters. She asked the chief,
"Why do you have so many feathers in your headdress?" The
chief proudly pounded his chest and said, "Me Chief, Me diddly-
em all, big, small, fat, tall, me diddly-em all."

Horrified, Ms. Walters stated. "You ought to be hung." The
Chief replied. "You damned right me hung......Big like Buffalo,
long like Snake." Ms Walters cried, "You don't have to be so
whoopee hostile! The Chief replied, "Hoss'style, dog-style,
wolf-style, any-style, me diddly-em all!"

Tears in her eyes, Ms. Walters cried, "OH DEAR." The Chief
said, "No no diddly deer.....amazinhunk too high, and
diddlyers run too fast. No diddly deer."

another one :
A WWII soldier, had been on the front lines in Europe for 3 months,
when he was finally given a week of R&R.  He caught a supply boat to a base
in southern England, then caught a train to London.  The train was
extremely crowded and he could not find a seat.

He was dead on his feet and walked the length of the train looking for any
place to sit down.  Finally, he found a compartment with seats facing each
other; there was room for 2 people on each seat.  On one side sat a proper
looking older British lady, with a small dog sitting in the empty seat
beside her.

"Could I please sit in that seat?" he asked. The lady was insulted: "You
Yanks are so rude", she said.  "Can't you see my dog is sitting there?"

He walked through the train again and still could not find a seat.  He
found himself back at the compartment.

"Lady, I love dogs - have a couple back home - so I would be glad to hold
your dog in my lap, if I can sit down."

The lady replied, "You Yanks are not only rude, you are arrogant." He
leaned against the wall for a time, but was so tired he finally said:
"Lady, I've been on the front lines in Europe for three months with not a
decent rest for all that time; so could I please sit there and hold your

The lady replied "You Yanks are not only rude and arrogant, you are also

With that comment, the soldier calmly picked up the dog, threw it out the
window and sat down.  The lady was speechless.

An older, neatly dressed Englishman sitting across on the other seat spoke
up, "Young man, I do not know if all you Yanks fit the lady's description
or not.  But I do know that you Yanks do a lot of things wrong.  You drive
on the wrong side of the road, you hold your fork in the wrong hand and now
you have just thrown the wrong squeak out of the window."

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2000, 11:40:00 AM »
The WWII one I've read before, but it was slightly different.  She demanded that a British gentleman admonish the Yank, whereupon the Brit made the statement in the story above.

Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-