Author Topic: Anyone see a trend here?  (Read 1440 times)

Offline Nifty

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Anyone see a trend here?
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2001, 02:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:
Do they have plans on fixing their flight model?

It's possible it's somewhere, but I think load times and code "clean-up" needs to take priority over the flight model.  Who cares how good the model is if it chews up your entire hard drive to fly over a battle.   ;)

I agree.  The "fervent" supporters need to back off of those who post negatively about the game.  I bought the game, and I play it.  That makes me a supporter.  However, I'll tell you straight up how the game is right now (read any of my posts on the subject, I try to be objective.)  If your sole purpose in the game is to fly, don't buy it unless you have a MONSTER system.  384mb of ram isn't near enough to fly.  It assaults my hard drive as soon as I get near a contested area, and I'm not the only one.  You can see planes just stop and disappear from the game world.  I've only encountered enemy planes twice while flying.  The first I saw a Stuka, shot at him, but he discoed.  I was able to keep flying and discoed on a second pass on a panzer.  The next time, I saw a 109 who didn't see me.  I got on his 6, but he discoed.  When I got to where he had disappeared, my hard drive got nailed, and I discoed.  It's obvious what the problem is.  Too much information transfer in flight.  It's a code optimization issue.  It'll never be completely overcome, I've seen it in every online game I've played.  Get enough people around you in AH, and your FPS will slow down.  I've seen Ultima Online (a 2D game, mind you) slow down to seconds PER FRAME due to 100's of avatars involved in a battle on the screen.  The difference is that the other games are assaulting your vid card and processor more than your RAM and swap space (if at all).  

So what do I do?  Run around with a rifle!   ;)  It's fun!!  But not as much as flying COULD be though.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Nifty

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Anyone see a trend here?
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2001, 02:35:00 PM »
Originally posted by Staga:
It needs loads of cpu-power, ram and swap-file but it also gives a lot.
I haven't ever felt like "Being there" more like when I was sitting in 109, flying over French country-side following roads and rivers and searching targets to strafe    :D

Its a great game and I hope CRS can fix its bugs soon and later add more stuff in it.

Bottom line: I'm keeping it    :)

What are your system specs?  Also, what do you have your virtual memory settings at?
(edit) what are your game settings (resolution, textures, dithering, etc)???

Athlon 900
Asus A7V
384MB PC100
Herc Prophet II 64mb (GTS, not pro or ultra)
SB Live! Platinum
C: 8gb (about 6 gb free)
D: ~16gb (about 14 free) (where I install games) basically, I got a 40gb hd with 3 partitions.  C: is 8gb to keep the lower 4kb cluster size, the other two just split the difference (and thus have a bigger cluster size of 8kb)

[ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Nifty ]
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Udie

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Anyone see a trend here?
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2001, 02:47:00 PM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:

But what good is that without a decent front end?

 Maybe you need a faster system or need to learn how to set it up right, that sounds smart bellybutton but I don't mean it that way  :)  It runs just fine (playable) on my p3-750.  I'm getting the extra ram to stop the HD chugging so I won't go down to 15 fps and should stay up in the 30's and 40's.  80 bucks is worth it to me...

And you are excited about this game, WHY?

Because it's damned fun.  Played for 5 hours almost last night until I got discoed at about 10:30 pm.  We had a HUGE battle going on for a town that had a bridge that both sides wanted.  I was camped out in some trees waiting for the next enemy thrust when I saw a truck stop about 150 yards in front of me.  To my joy 6 people jumped out of the back and started heading my way.  I put an AP round into the truck and switched to HE ammo.  The next shot killed 1/2 the troopers when my HE round hit about 30 ft to the right of them.   They all hit the deck, but I machine gunned them all  :)

 I can understand why people are so pissed, I'm just saying it's not as broken as all the naysayers are saying.  AND if I'm right to why I think there's low FPS  everybody should be happy when they put out the 2 meg patch.  

 I better get into AH tonight or this weekend so you guys don't forget me  :)


Offline AKSWulfe

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Anyone see a trend here?
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2001, 03:57:00 PM »
Should re-clarify it... I'm only interested in the flying aspect.

If I wanna play the first person shooter or tank aspect, I can go find those games on the shelf and they have free multiplayer.

Flying aspect is the only part I care about, and so far, it ain't looking too bright.

Offline Snoopi

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Anyone see a trend here?
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2001, 04:03:00 PM »
I can't speak for other B17-2/ "veterans" but from the long period of time i've been at that board i've seen a couple "groups" of people on the board.

The 1st group is what I would call the fanatics. They fall fro all the hype and are in a state of denial if thing don't work out.

The 2nd group is where I fell into for B17-2.
A group of people with realistic expectations who were led to believe some things which never came to fruition.
When we found out from Wayward that B17-2 was being released without multiplayer we knew is was a "early release forced by the suit" nightmare.
We understood that B17-2 was not a true flight sim and was full of bugs.
Instead of deluding ourselves we worked together to find ways of making B17-2 playable. We petitioned Wayward and Infogrames to release more than 1 patch...To add the engine mamagement which was planned for the game.(they did)
Maybe one day, with work, B17-2 will have multiplayer and few bugs.
Falcon 4 is a good example. Through the work of F4 players it is MUCH better than it was.

The 3rd group is the fairweather fans who say it gonna be great and then turn and become the  "this software is are all lOoSeRs !!"  type of people.

4th is the skeptics who embrace the software after it proves itself.

In order of prevalence  i think they would be:

3 (they seem bigger cuz they complain and post more)

I think this mix is more common for any game than just the Rah RAH RAH type of fans.

[ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Snoopi ]

Offline CptTrips

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« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2001, 04:42:00 PM »
I look forward to the time (in perhaps 3-6 months) when the came has sufficiently progressed that I can rationlly justify paying $40.00 for it.

It just ain't soup yet....

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Udie

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Anyone see a trend here?
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2001, 06:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:
Should re-clarify it... I'm only interested in the flying aspect.

If I wanna play the first person shooter or tank aspect, I can go find those games on the shelf and they have free multiplayer.

Flying aspect is the only part I care about, and so far, it ain't looking too bright.

 Ok then I can understand why your angry. BUT  :) I had a good 30 min flight the other night that never dropped below 20fps.  I got my first a2a kill too  :) first one since I joined the beta.  The next flight however the HD would not stop churning and the fps stayed under 10.   But that doesn't realy bother me because I have AH for flying and I believe it will be fixed pronto.

 The ground battle rocks though  :) and that's what's got me addicted to it even with all the flaws.


Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2001, 08:15:00 AM »
Well I'm not really angry (maybe a little that is requires such large updates and I only have a 56K modem), but more or less extremely dissappointed it was released in the state it is in.

I haven't bought it yet, but the reports I've read have steered me clear of buying it... atleast for 6 or so months when it's no longer an embryo.