Author Topic: Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears  (Read 843 times)


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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« on: September 15, 2001, 05:16:00 PM »
My heart and my prayers go out to ALL of those who have lost loved ones in Washington, Pennsylvania ,and NYC. I don't live near any of these places but feel pain and hurt for them and our Nation just he same.

I was awakend early in the morning with the sounds of crying. My wife an ex-paramedic was shaking and dreaming. She was litterally in tears in her sleep. She has seen such horror that can be leveled against a nation. She was in search and rescue in Oaklahoma City after the bombing. And ,although it may have not been on the scale of this , it was terror none the less. As I awoke her and she beagn to stir she was scared. Scared and remembering things that she had tried so hard to forget.

Mr. Terrorist,

You have caused a Nation to cry. Fathers and Mothers , brothers and siters and family members from all over this country have cried because of you. You have caused more pain to so many they should never have had to endure. You have stirred feelings of hatred in a Nation that by and by does it's best to stamp out. We will mourn as a country for those families you have affected. We will bury our dead. We will re-build these buildings. WE WILL RECOVER.
You have also done us an invaluable service. You have given us a release for these feelings we now , for the most part , feel. You see, when McVeigh set this country back on its heels in Oaklahoma we were in the same shape. He hurt us much like you have done. But, we had no way to release the anger we felt because he was 1. Now we have you to fight. You and you pitiful band of Idiots have stirred us like we have not been stirred in 60 years.

We have now the means and the excuse to release this anger we have as a nation. If you think that this Nation hasn't the stomach for this you need to find a T.V. You need to have your small maggots check thier sources and the polls taken in this country. You will see that we ARE coming with a vengance you cannot imagine.

We believe in this country in protecting our own. It is not a tic for tac thing here sir. If you slap us we hit closed fist back. We beleive not only that you will pay for your hit against us but you will pay 1000 times over. This will be like nothing the world as a whole has ever seen. The Gulf war was merely a playground fight and warmup for what I hope you recieve for making this Nation hurt.

So Mr. Terrorist, Give Saddam a call. Ask him what it was like to have his army and his bellybutton handed to him. Because sir we are going to not only hand you your bellybutton , but everything attached to it. You and your band of misfits are dead men walking. The country you hide in will feel the power of a Nation with not only justice in mind but, what I feel , is some good old fashioned revenge. We are going to hunt you down like the dog you are and the pups that are with you as well. I'm not sure what your heaven is supposed to be like. I am sure you'll never see it.

Your head for their tears. Seems like a fair trade given that if they caught you , turned you loose to the masses here , someone would be left out of getting a piece of your ass.

So , in conclusion , I hope when the rain of American might comes down on you and that sorry excuse of a country you hide in feels it , that some camera man catches you dieng on tape. I hope I see it.

Tell McVeigh hello when you get to hell. You and him have alot in common.



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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2001, 06:07:00 PM »
I also want to THANK our military. As a verteran I understand the sacrifice. I have a Son-in-law in the airforce. We should all pray for our troops and what they are about to embark on. God be with them.


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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2001, 03:34:00 PM »
Just a punt for the Thanks to the Military.  :)

Offline ispar

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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2001, 09:04:00 PM »
You people frighten me...


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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2001, 08:24:00 PM »
Why? Not me you need to be scared of!

Offline ispar

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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2001, 08:45:00 PM »
Originally posted by VFJACKAL:
Why? Not me you need to be scared of!

Maybe not personally. But you and your ilk are making me seriously wonder about where this might lead.

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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2001, 08:58:00 PM »
Ispar, I'm up for suggestions?? Just gotta know, how do you handle a terrorist who just wants you to get in a war with him?? A terrorist who will continue to strike until you do engage him!!

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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2001, 09:03:00 PM »
Originally posted by Cleaner:
Ispar, I'm up for suggestions?? Just gotta know, how do you handle a terrorist who just wants you to get in a war with him?? A terrorist who will continue to strike until you do engage him!!

And will continue to strike after you engage him, whether we "win" or not. I do not know what can be done right now... I think the first mistake was declaring this an act of war, because a lot of people are going to die in any ground-based military action, ours and theirs, innocent and guilty alike - mostly innocent.

The calls for vengeance are eerie, too. Because these attacks were acts of vengeance. Revenge only fuels more revenge. We need justice, but the justice that many are calling for is simple vengeance.

Blood cries out for blood. One of the fundamental evils of this world, along with the inability to empathize.


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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2001, 09:17:00 PM »
It will lead to justice as America as a whole sees fit. If that is with War then so be it. I was not afraid to serve my country when I did and I would not be now. I see the common goal here. It is to bring a terrorist to justice and make it known to the world that this type of action will not be stood for. Not by us or any nation.
The red haze you spoke of in another post is seen both ways. The terrorists have no regard for life. No common human desency. Tey fight for what they think is right even though the rest of the world as a whole says not.

Don't misjudge anger always for revenge. Don't think that all feel as I. I am 1 person. My opinion is only mine. My family and their welfare is all I concern myself with first. Military family second. Myself last. I care not whether the persons or person that did this suffer and burn in the rusty gates of hell.

Once again , Im not the one to fear. Justice comes in many forms. This justice just may not suit you.

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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2001, 09:33:00 PM »
Originally posted by VFJACKAL:
It will lead to justice as America as a whole sees fit. If that is with War then so be it. I was not afraid to serve my country when I did and I would not be now. I see the common goal here. It is to bring a terrorist to justice and make it known to the world that this type of action will not be stood for. Not by us or any nation.
The red haze you spoke of in another post is seen both ways. The terrorists have no regard for life. No common human desency. Tey fight for what they think is right even though the rest of the world as a whole says not.

Don't misjudge anger always for revenge. Don't think that all feel as I. I am 1 person. My opinion is only mine. My family and their welfare is all I concern myself with first. Military family second. Myself last. I care not whether the persons or person that did this suffer and burn in the rusty gates of hell.

Once again , Im not the one to fear. Justice comes in many forms. This justice just may not suit you.

An interesting point, but one that I must disagree with. A civilized nation seeks justice in a manner that is fair and unharmful to any except the guilty. Calling this an act of war instead of a crime only legitimizes it.

And justice aside, this will not do anything for the problem, in the long run. It will only waste lives and money.

Did I feel that I could serve this country without fear of doing injustice to others, or to myself, and without causing or supporting (by implication) the deaths of innocents - or even the guilty - I would gladly do so. But that is a different world.


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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2001, 09:54:00 PM »
A Very different world. As a verteran Ispar I don't take offense by what you say. So , don't think that I am. I'm just trying to understand. The people that have done this have said that (Basically) they hate us as americans and all we stand for. They want us dead. They say that all americans are targets no matter where they are at. How as a nation should we take that? I mean , do we say sorry you don't like us? Do we say to the world that yes we are a nation that will recover but we're not going to do anything other than seek a court to try the people that did this? I mean , McVeigh did so much evil to HIS OWN country, and yet there are people that could say that Life in prison was enough.

I'm no expert but I would hasten to say that those who have lost love ones don't really care about them spending time in jail. They dont care about death by injection.

All these people did on 9-11 was go to work. They left their families at home , said goodbyes and hugs and kisses. Then someone parked a jet on their desks. Blew there lives apart. People jumped from 100's of feet in there air to their deaths because someone left them no choice. These people knew what they were doing and killed innocent people for no reason. None. Can't justify it at all to me.  

Now that person should have no choice. The country that has all but endorsed his actions should not have a choice.

It is as you seem to portray complicated. There are so many questions to ask. So many reasons to try to put to rest. But , in all of that must come a response. A response that is strong and just.

I feel IMHO that they will get their response that they so asked for.

Again...this is just me..And with all due respect I will just agree to disagree.

Offline ispar

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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2001, 10:12:00 PM »
I too will agree to disagree.



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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2001, 10:22:00 PM »
I have kids in R.I.  Nice country there in Mass.  Loved the North East. Vermont and Maine...great places....But WAY to cold for me.  Oh and yall talk funny to....LOLOL  J/K


[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: VFJACKAL ]

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Mr. Terroist.....Your Head for Their Tears
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2001, 10:35:00 PM »
Thanks friend  :).

Never been to Texas, but I hear there's some real pretty country out there.

And don't get me started on the way YOU talk  ;).