Author Topic: Comparing Islam to Christianity  (Read 4551 times)

Offline Westy

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Comparing Islam to Christianity
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2005, 03:34:38 PM »
Funny.  A lot of Muslems say the same about Islam. (In that it doesnt call for the violence and kiiling being doen by like Hammas and AlQueda)

 As to where in the bible?  I would have to ask which version you're refering to?

 To aid my point do a google using the words  "white supremacist bible" and you can clearly see just *ONE* group of self proclaimed "Christians" who use thier interpretation of the Bible to justify thier use of violence and hatred towards others.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2005, 03:44:02 PM by Westy »

Offline Shane

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Comparing Islam to Christianity
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2005, 04:01:08 PM »
Originally posted by Gunthr
The point is, the Bible does not call for lynching as a way to please God.

true.. the suggested method is either stoning or burning.
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Offline Gunthr

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« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2005, 04:40:15 PM »
Funny. A lot of Muslems say the same about Islam. (In that it doesnt call for the violence and kiiling being doen by like Hammas and AlQueda)

As to where in the bible? I would have to ask which version you're refering to? To aid my point do a google using the words "white supremacist bible" and you can clearly see just *ONE* group of self proclaimed "Christians" who use thier interpretation of the Bible to justify thier use of violence and hatred towards others.

To aid my point do a google using the words "white supremacist bible" and you can clearly see just *ONE* group of self proclaimed "Christians" who use thier interpretation of the Bible to justify thier use of violence and hatred towards others. - Westy

Westy, you havn't been paying attention. I've already said that most Muslims are part of a beautiful religion.  I won't be basing my positions on "google searches" for a determination of truth.  
You can read my position above.  I believe the question was, "Compare Islam to Christianity." That is what I tried to describe.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2005, 04:58:12 PM by Gunthr »
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Offline Gunthr

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Comparing Islam to Christianity
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2005, 04:48:35 PM »
true.. the suggested method is either stoning or burning.

I don't know the bible well enough to know whether the Bible exhorts its followers to do this.  I only need ask you, when is the last time that you know of a Christian stoning or burning a human being for religious reasons?  This thread is about the differences between two religions.  Lets not deny that there are differnences.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2005, 04:59:27 PM by Gunthr »
"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century

Offline Westy

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Comparing Islam to Christianity
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2005, 04:58:35 PM »
Of course you don't have to use Google to determine the truth. It's just the most convenient tool available to help prove or assert ones opinion when discussing things online.

 The truth is that there are groups like the White Supremists who raise thier banners of hate, call themselves "Christian" and justify thier sick thoughts and violence on thier own interpretation of the Bible.  Just as the Islamic terrorists like the Taliban, AQ and Hammas do.

 More truth?  The vast majority of Muslims, Christians and Buddists etc are not hateful nor inspired to kill because thier neighbor believed man made stories about different men who lived thousands of years ago.

 I'm on the outside looking in at the different groups. IMO you can't see the similarities because your not capable of being objective about it. Your "faith" doesn't permit it.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2005, 05:02:03 PM by Westy »

Offline Westy

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« Reply #35 on: July 14, 2005, 05:05:46 PM »
"a Christian stoning or burning a human being for religious reasons?"

 What did they do that nun in Rumania recently?  How many Christian "interventions" have left some poor kid dead because thier "born again" parents were convinced thier child was possessed by the devil.

 All in the name of Jesus and God:

 Religion can be a sickness that kills.

Offline Gunthr

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« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2005, 05:07:58 PM »
Again, this thread is about the differences between Islam and Christianity.

I've already said, many people of all different faiths have killed, tortured, and suppressed others in the name of God.  Hopefully we can acknowledge that and move on...
"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century

Offline Gunthr

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« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2005, 05:11:32 PM »
I'm on the outside looking in at the different groups. IMO you can't see the similarities because your not capable of being objective about it. Your "faith" doesn't permit it.

You only think you are on the outside looking in.  No one is truley objective.

BTW, how did you become aware of what "faith" I am?  And what faith am I?  I'd be curious to know that myself :)
"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century

Offline BUG_EAF322

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« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2005, 05:21:40 PM »
Get real guys i have some
islamic friends.

They all good guys  just humans like u and me.

I even catch myself ocasionaly labeling everthing into groups.

just plain stupid.

Offline Pooface

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« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2005, 05:25:03 PM »
what you all have to remeber, is that christians have killed 1000 times more people in the name of christ. the crusades, killed an estimated 6.7 million people in total IIRC. many of these people were women, children, and the elderly, simply because they were muslims, and they were living in the supposed resting place of jesus, a guy who died 1350 years before, who hasnt even been proven to exist (this aint anti christianty or anything, its simply a fact).

truth is, its not religion that does it, but evil people who force their ideas on others through it. many muslims are great, peaceful guys, some my friends, and they all bow in disgust at terrorism and fanatical beliefs. all this crap is distorted by the media, that muslims are bad people. its just the same as whoever that guys was who formed some christian sect in the us 20 years ago, and held people hostage and stuff.

nothing to do with what religion it is, its the evil people who preach it who do damage. it is purely by coincidence that there are so many evil muslims...

Offline Westy

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« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2005, 05:31:59 PM »
I feel I am much more objective than someone who claims to be part of any branch of any religion.

 And to answer your question on faith.  I figured you for a Christian based on your reply "The point is, the Bible does not call for lynching as a way to please God."   If you're not then I apologize for assuming.

 And I so "Hopefully we can acknowledge that and move on..."

 If the discussion can go back to "in general" and up from the "personal" level Seagoon brought it to.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2005, 05:34:26 PM by Westy »

Offline lada

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Comparing Islam to Christianity
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2005, 05:50:40 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179

goes both ways my friend. Religion seems to just give some people a justification to murder. Its really a shame.

Thats why we invented secular state in europe.

Offline straffo

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Comparing Islam to Christianity
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2005, 06:26:50 PM »
Originally posted by Westy
To aid my point do a google using the words  "white supremacist bible" and you can clearly see just *ONE* group of self proclaimed "Christians" who use thier interpretation of the Bible to justify thier use of violence and hatred towards others.

Try other languages and you will have more than one answer.

Offline bustr

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« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2005, 06:50:00 PM »
'I don't feel your pain,' suspect tells victim's mom

July 13, 2005

BY TOBY STERLING Advertisement

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands -- The Muslim extremist on trial in the slaying of filmmaker Theo van Gogh confessed Tuesday, saying he was driven by religious conviction. "I don't feel your pain," he told the victim's mother.

Mohammed Bouyeri stunned the courtroom when, in the final minutes of his two-day trial, he declared: "If I were released and would have the chance to do it again . . . I would do exactly the same thing.

"What moved me to do what I did was purely my faith. . . . I was motivated by the law that commands me to cut off the head of anyone who insults Allah and his prophet," he said.

Bouyeri, 27, faces life imprisonment in the Nov. 2 killing of Van Gogh, who was shot, stabbed and nearly beheaded on an Amsterdam street. A verdict is to be handed down this month.

Bouyeri glanced at notes, paused between sentences and chose his words carefully. Some spectators rose to their feet as he spoke, visibly stunned by his comments.

At one point, he addressed the victim's mother, Anneke, who was sitting in the public gallery. "I have to admit I don't have any sympathy for you," he said. "I can't feel for you because I think you're a nonbeliever.''

The killing is believed to have been an act of retribution for Van Gogh's film "Submission," which criticized the treatment of women under Islam.

Van Gogh was a distant relative of the painter Vincent van Gogh.

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Offline AKH

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Comparing Islam to Christianity
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2005, 07:14:05 PM »
There really are no parallels in the treatment of "nonbelievers" that I know of in the holy books of Christian, Buddist, Jewish, Hindu, or any other religeon. It is true that many people have been killed in the name of religion, but none of the holy books, except the Qu'ran, call on believers to either convert or kill non-believers.

You must kill those who worship another god.  Exodus 22:20

Kill any friends or family that worship a god that is different than your own.  Deuteronomy 13:6-10

Kill all the inhabitants of any city where you find people that worship differently than you.  Deuteronomy 13:12-16

Kill everyone who has religious views that are different than your own.  Deuteronomy 17:2-7

Kill anyone who refuses to listen to a priest. Deuteronomy 17:12-13

Kill any false prophets. Deuteronomy 18:20

Any city that doesn’t receive the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Mark 6:11

Jude reminds us that God destroys those who don’t believe in him.  Jude 5
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