Author Topic: their ought to be a law........  (Read 1139 times)

Offline Westy MOL

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their ought to be a law........
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2001, 03:47:00 PM »
Cripes what a twisted software world we consumers have helped build. Thanks for clarification TK and you're right.  
 I'm glad my brother exercised his license to use that software on my pc as a test bed for compatiability before he did himself.   :)


[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Westy MOL ]

Offline Staga

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their ought to be a law........
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2001, 03:52:00 PM »
Just wondering what would happen if someone of guys whining about WWIIOL gets a copy of some old dos game in their PC...
In those times you REALLY needed to know how your PC works and how to configure it.

Heh gotta load dos to my laptop and check if I can find any gems from "AbandonWarez"  ;)

Offline MrRiplEy

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their ought to be a law........
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2001, 04:36:00 PM »
Thank God those times are almost gone. Seems like some are still ready to pay $40 for it tho =)

Offline Cobra

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their ought to be a law........
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2001, 04:38:00 PM »
Let me get this straight.....

We are comparing a car with an average sell price in excess of $20,000 Dollars, to a GAME that costs $40 dollars and you can take it back for a refund?

Wow, get a grip and a little thing called perspective...all of you.  The posts both supporting and knocking down a GAME is unbelievable.  Did all the adults just suddenly leave the room?  (No need to reply SW  :)  )

These are GAMES!

BTW, I have played WWIIOnline. I'm getting great Frame rates and having alot of fun.  My system, while very fast, is not nuclear fast  1.2 gig Tbird, GeForce Pro 64 MB, and 256 MB RAM.  

And I'm also having alot of fun in AH.  I'm playing both.  What a great time to be into WWII Simulation GAMES.


Offline Wlfgng

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their ought to be a law........
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2001, 04:50:00 PM »
LOL Cobra..hehe     too true  :)

Offline Hajo

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their ought to be a law........
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2001, 09:42:00 PM »
To those of you who think I am "knocking" ww2OL only, you're mistaken.  Read my post CAREFULLY!.  I am just using WW2OL as an example.  Many other software companies do the same thing, and they have been getting away with it for years!  why?  Because we let them, we are like sheep, with our tongues hanging out for the next great software adventure.

Along comes another company who gives specs, stats, what the game will need to run, what it will deliver etc.  How many of you that have bought wW2OL had to upgrade to 512 memory?  did it say that was the minimum requirement to run  it?  Did they tell you without the huge swapfile it won't run?  Did they advertise framerates in the low teens?
No......they didn't, and neither did other companies in the past who have sloughed off marginally running software to the unsuspecting customer.  Some will let you return software, some stores won't accept returns.  My case is this and only this, deliver a quality product as advertised, why  should people reading minmum requirements have to go out and perform upgrades because the minimums won't work?  Not only did they pay for the software, but they paid for additional memory, maybe a new video card etc. and have spent maybe 200 dollars to make a 40$ game run marginally at best.

My complaint isn't with cornered rat alone, it's with the software companies who dupe the public, and the public doesn't demand better.  If I spend x amount of dollars on anything, and it's advertised to have certain features, and operates easily with what I have, then I expect to get something as advertised.  call me crazy, but isn't that what we all expect?

I'm no cheerleader by any means...but compare say the quality of aces high to ww2OL, I feel I'm getting my monies worth for aH, that's why I pay.  I also think, and have stated in the past, that AH will be WW2OL before ww2ol is fully functionable.  compare graphics, modeling, flight models etc.  Note the recent additions of ships, landing crafft,etc.  Read the news at the bbS rail roads are coming....betcha troops etc arent' far behind, and new terrains are being developed.  And why do you think there is a beta DX8 version?  If the new versions aren't working properly here, we get a patch almost immediately to correct it, and the players input is duly noted.  You're supposed to get what you pay for, software, rent, electricity etc.

I hope that in the future software companies will be more prudent in releasing software that in my mind isn't close to what one expects, or is advertised.  that's all I want, someone to sell me something that works in software, as advertised, and I'll be happy !   :D
- The Flying Circus -

Offline storm

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their ought to be a law........
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2001, 02:29:00 AM »
all nice ideas but if there would be a law
i guess we would see a new wwiisim game every 10 years.All these games with all the flaws are stepping stones for new stuff like dos games have been before.Laws attract lawyers so the games would be costing more like $100 or more.

So i dont mind buggy software because you still have options like

1. Wait and read the forums and then decide
   to spend those treasured $40

2. Be childish and go spend the $40 rightaway.But don't go behaving like a adult
mature intelectual if it is buggy.

i play wwiionline and get 20-30 fps in tanks and 15 in planes on a outdated pII450 with 256 RAM.And no CTD at all or HD spinning.